

From: とみたまさひろ <とみたまさひろ <tommy@xxxxxxxxxx>>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 21:39:09 +0900
Subject: [mysql 05332] Re: sql 文を実行するとエラー


On Tue, 9 Apr 2002 19:33:10 +0900
"竹本 靖" <takemoto@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> sql文を実行すると
> ERROR 1030: Got error -1 from table handler
> が出るのですが原因がわかりません。
> ご教授願えないでしょうか?


   Error 1030 means that you got error from table handler,
   which was printed. Information about the problem cause
   should be instead in error number "-1", but it is not a
   valid error number, something is wrong there.
   Anyway, you should run isamchk on your tables.
   Please check from the manual how to do this.


とみたまさひろ <tommy@xxxxxxxxxx>
日本MySQLユーザ会 http://www.mysql.gr.jp


      5331 2002-04-09 19:33 ["竹本 靖" <takemoto] sql 文を実行するとエラー                
->    5332 2002-04-09 21:39 ┗[とみたまさひろ <tomm]                                       
      5334 2002-04-10 13:35  ┗["竹本 靖" <takemoto]