# This is an example configuration file for nss-mysql library # You CANNOT put 2 assignments on the same line. # This is the user configuration part users.host = localhost; # db host users.where_clause = user.status = 'A'; # fully qualifed where clause users.database = nss_mysql; users.db_user = nss; users.db_password = mAip2sFxXJcw; users.table = user; users.user_column = user_name; users.password_column = password; # not used if you have enabled the shadow support users.userid_column = user_id; users.uid_column = uid; users.realname_column = realname; users.homedir_column = homedir; # not used if you have run configure --with-default_home=DIR users.shell_column = shell; # This is the groups configuration part # This is only used if you have enabled the group support groups.host = localhost; groups.where_clause = groups.status = 'A'; #fully qualified where clause groups.database = nss_mysql; groups.db_user = nss; groups.db_password = mAip2sFxXJcw; groups.group_info_table = groups; groups.group_name_column = group_name; groups.groupid_column = group_id; groups.members_table = user_group; groups.member_userid_column = user_id; groups.member_groupid_column = group_id; groups.first_gid = 2000;