

From: <takeshi@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1998 01:39:36 +0900
Subject: [mysql 242] Re: Windows環境でSQL

maido> 船越です。お世話になっております。

maido> windows環境で実行テストしたいのですが
maido> なにか良い方法はあるでしょうか?

MySQL は M$-Windows で動作するはずです。

======== source 付属の INSTALL-SOURCE ============
What operating systems does *MySQL* support?
 * Win95 and NT. This version is currently only available for users
   with a *MySQL* license or *MySQL* email support. 

========= Web Page ==========
       MySQL for Win95/NT 

 A port of MySQL for Windows95 and NT is available for paying customers 
(it is also available for people who are helping us develop MySQL). 
This version is as close to the unix version as the platform allows.
And the fastest way to get it is registring for MySQL support on our
online ordering [69]page. You will get a download address as soon as
 we have processed your entry. 

となると、これがいやなら、お使いの Windows マシンを
PC-UNIX にしてしまうぐらいかな? :P

 村上 毅  takeshi@xxxxxxxxxx
 PGP fingerprint = 45 5D 54 12 B4 55 77 7F  D4 52 66 EC 03 3F 1B E9
 [ http://www.softagency.co.jp/mysql/ ]
 [ MySQL ML: mysql-help@xxxxxxxxxx ]


       240 1998-08-30 16:16 ["M.Funakoshi" <maido] Windows環境でSQL                     
->     242 1998-08-31 01:39 ┗[<takeshi@xxxxxxxxxx>]