MySQL 5.0.20 リリース

投稿日時 2006-4-13 9:31:47 | トピック: MySQL

MySQL 5.0.20 がリリースされました。

ストアドプロシージャおよびファンクションに DEFINER 句が導入されました。ぱっと見たところ、プロシージャの定義者(所有者)を指定できる機能のようです。

そのほか、サブクエリを使用した DELETE がサーバクラッシュを引き起こす問題の修正など、多くの修正がなされています。




- InnoDB: The InnoDB storage engine now provides a descriptive error message if ibdata file information is omitted from my.cnf. (Bug #16827 (

- The NDBCluster storage engine now supports INSERT IGNORE and REPLACE statements. Previously, these statements failed with an error. (Bug #17431 (

- Builds for Windows, Linux, and Unix (except AIX) platforms now have SSL support enabled, in the server as well as in the client libraries. Because part of the SSL code is written in C++, this does introduce dependencies on the system's C++ runtime libraries in several cases, depending on compiler specifics. (Bug #18195 (

- The syntax for CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION statements now includes a DEFINER clause. The DEFINER value specifies the security context to be used when checking access privileges at routine invocation time if the routine has the SQL SECURITY DEFINER characteristic. See Section 17.2.1, "CREATE PROCEDURE and CREATE FUNCTION Syntax," for more information. When mysqldump is invoked with the --routines option, it now dumps the DEFINER value for stored routines. (

■機能の追加と変更(5.0.19)( repeated here just as a reminder: )

- Added the mysql_upgrade program that checks all tables for incompatibilities with the current version of MySQL Server and repairs them if necessary. This program should be run for each MySQL upgrade (rather than mysql_fix_privilege_tables). See Section 5.6.2, "mysql_upgrade --- Check Tables for MySQL Upgrade." (


- Security Fix: Checks for permissions on database operations could be performed in a case-insensitive manner (a user with permissions on database MYDATABASE could by accident get permissions on database myDataBase), if the privilege data were still cached from a previous check. (Bug #17279 (

- InnoDB: The LATEST FOREIGN KEY ERROR section in the output of SHOW INNODB STATUS was sometimes formatted incorrectly, causing problems with scripts that parsed the output of this statement. (Bug #16814 (

- When using ORDER BY with a non-string column inside GROUP_CONCAT() the result's character set was converted to binary. (Bug #18281 ( See also Bug #14169 (

- SELECT ... WHERE column LIKE 'A%' when column had a key and used the latin2_czech_cs collation. (Bug #17374 (

- Complex queries with nested joins could cause a server crash. (Bug #18279 (

- The server could deadlock under heavy load while writing to the binary log. (Bug #18116 (

- A SELECT ... ORDER BY ... from a view defined using a function could crash the server. An example of such a view might be CREATE VIEW AS SELECT SQRT(c1) FROM t1. (Bug #18386 (

- A DELETE using a subquery could crash the server. (Bug #18306 (

- REPAIR TABLE, OPTIMIZE TABLE, and ALTER TABLE operations on transactional tables (or on tables of any type on Windows) could corrupt triggers associated with those tables. (Bug #18153 (

- MyISAM: Performing a bulk insert on a table referenced by a trigger would crash the table. (Bug #17764 (

- MyISAM: Keys for which the first part of the key was a CHAR or VARCHAR column using the UTF-8 character set and longer than 254 bytes could become corrupted. (Bug #17705 (

- Using ORDER BY intvar within a stored procedure (where intvar is an integer variable or expression) would crash the server. (Bug #16474 ( Note: The use of an integer i in an ORDER BY i clause for sorting the result by the i^th column is deprecated (and non-standard). It should not be used in new applications. See Section 13.2.7, "SELECT Syntax."

- Triggers created in MySQL 5.0.16 and earlier could not be dropped after upgrading the server to 5.0.17 or later. (Bug #15921 (

- A SELECT using a function against a nested view would crash the server. (Bug #15683 (

- NDB Cluster: Certain queries using ORDER BY ... ASC in the WHERE clause could return incorrect results. (Bug #17729 (

- NDB Cluster: A timeout in the handling of an ABORT condition with more that 32 operations could yield a node failure. (Bug #18414 (

- NDB Cluster: A node restart immediately following a CREATE TABLE would fail. Important: This fix supports 2-node Clusters only. (Bug #18385 (

- NDB Cluster: In event of a node failure during a rollback, a "false" lock could be established on the backup for that node, which lock could not be removed without restarting the node. (Bug #18352 (

- NDB Cluster: The cluster created a crashed replica of a table having an ordered index --- or when logging was not enabled, of a table having a table or unique index --- leading to a crash of the cluster following 8 successibe restarts. (Bug #18298 (

- NDB Cluster: When replacing a failed master node, the replacement node could cause the cluster to crash from a buffer overflow if it had an excessively large amount of data to write to the cluster log. (Bug #18118 (

- NDB Cluster: If a mysql or other client could not parse the result set returned from a mysqld process acting as an SQL node in a cluster, the client would crash instead of returning the appropriate error. For example, this could happen when the client attempted to use a character set was not available to the mysqld. (Bug #17380 (

- NDB Cluster: Restarting nodes were allowed to start and join the cluster too early. (Bug #16772 (

- If a row was inserted inside a stored procedure using the parameters passed to the procedure in the INSERT statement, the resulting binlog entry was not escaped properly. (Bug #18293 (

- If InnoDB encountered a HA_ERR_LOCK_TABLE_FULL error and rolled-back a transaction, the transaction was still written to the binary log. (Bug #18283 (

- Stored procedures that call UDFs and pass local string variables caused server crashes. (Bug #17261 (

- Connecting to a server with a UCS2 default character set with a client using a non-UCS2 character set crashed the server. (Bug #18004 (

- Loading of UDFs in a statically linked MySQL caused a server crash. UDF loading is now blocked if the MySQL server is statically linked. (Bug #11835 (

- Views that incorporate tables from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA resulted in a server crash when queried. (Bug #18224 (

- A SELECT * query on an INFORMATION_SCHEMA table by a user with limited privileges resulted in a server crash. (Bug #18113 (

- Attempting to access an InnoDB table after starting the server with --skip-innodb caused a server crash. (Bug #14575 (

- InnoDB used table locks (not row locks) within stored functions. (Bug #18077 (

- Replication slaves could not replicate triggers from older servers that included no DEFINER clause in the trigger definition. Now the trigger executes with the privileges of the invoker (which on the slave is the slave SQL thread). (Bug #16266 (

- Character set conversion of string constants for UNION of constant and table column was not done when it was safe to do so. (Bug #15949 (

- The DEFINER value for stored routines was not replicated. (Bug #15963 (

- Use of stored functions with DISTINCT or GROUP BY can produce incorrect results when ORDER BY is also used. (Bug #13575 (

- Use of TRUNCATE TABLE for a TEMPORARY table on a master server was propagated to slaves properly, but slaves did not decrement the Slave_open_temp_tables counter properly. (Bug #17137 (

- SELECT COUNT(*) for a MyISAM table could return different results depending on whether an index was used. (Bug #14980 (

- A LEFT JOIN with a UNION that selects literal values could crash the server. (Bug #17366 (

- Large file support did not work in AIX server binaries. (Bug #10776 (

- Updating a view that filters certain rows to set a filtered out row to be included in the table caused infinite loop. For example, if the view has a WHERE clause of salary > 100 then issuing an UPDATE statement of SET salary = 200 WHERE id = 10, caused an infinite loop. (Bug #17726 (

- Certain combinations of joins with mixed ON and USING clauses caused unknown column errors. (Bug #15229 (

- NDB Cluster: Inserting and deleting BLOB column values while a backup was in process could cause the loss of an ndbd node. (Bug #14028 (

- If the server was started with the --skip-grant-tables option, it was impossible to create a trigger or a view without explicitly specifying a DEFINER clause. (Bug #16777 (

- COUNT(DISTINCT col1, col2) and COUNT(DISTINCT CONCAT(col1, col2)) operations produced different results if one of the columns was an indexed DECIMAL column. (Bug #15745 (

- The server displayed garbage in the error message warning about bad assignments to DECIMAL columns or routine variables. (Bug #15480 (

- The server would execute stored routines that had a non-existent definer. (Bug #13198 (

- For FEDERATED tables, a SELECT statement with an ORDER BY clause did not return rows in the proper order. (Bug #17377 (

- The FORMAT() function returned an incorrect result when the client's character_set_connection value was utf8. (Bug #16678 (

- NDB Cluster: Some query cache statistics were not always correctly reported for Cluster tables. (Bug #16795 (

- Updating the value of a Unicode VARCHAR column with the result returned by a stored function would cause the insertion of ASCII characters into the column instead of Unicode, even where the function's return type was also declared as Unicode. (Bug #17615 (

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