MySQL 5.1.5-alpha リリース

投稿日時 2006-1-17 21:03:20 | トピック: MySQL

MySQL 5.1.5-alpha がリリースされました。
この段階( 0.0.5 )にしては修正点が少ないですね。

このバージョンのWindows版には、"mysqld-max.exe" と "mysqld-max-nt.exe" のみが含まれているそうです。


- Added the XML functions ExtractValue() and UpdateXML(). ExtractValue() returns the content of a fragment of XML matching a given XPath expression. UpdateXML() replaces the element selected from a fragment of XML by an XPath expression supplied by the user with a second XML fragment (also user-supplied), and returns the modified XML. See Section 12.9, "XML Functions."

- Added the --base64-output option to mysqlbinlog to print all binary log entries using base64 encoding. This is for debugging only. Logs produced using this option should not be applied on production systems.

- Added the --port-open-timeout option to mysqld to control how many seconds the server should wait for the TCP/IP port to become free if it cannot be opened. (Bug #15591 (

- Two new Hungarian collations are included: utf8_hungarian_ci and ucs2_hungarian_ci. These support the correct sort order for Hungarian vowels. However, they do not support the correct order for sorting Hungarian consonant contractions; this issue will be fixed in a future release.

- Plugins can now have status variables, that are shown in SHOW STATUS.


- InnoDB: Comparison of indexed VARCHAR CHARACTER SET ucs2 COLLATE ucs2_bin columns using LIKE could fail. (Bug #14583 (

- Creating a trigger caused a server crash if the table or trigger database was not known because no default database had been selected. (Bug #14863 (

- Issuing a DROP USER command could cause some users to encounter a hostname is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server error. (Bug #15775 (

- The --plugin_dir option was not working. Also fix error with specifying parser name for fulltext. (Bug #16068 (

- Attempting to insert into a table partitioned by LIST a value less than any specified in one of the table's partition definitions resulted in a server crash. In such cases, mysqld now returns ERROR 1500 (HY000): Table has no partition for value v , where v is the out-of-range value. (Bug #15819 (


- The Windows package, "", contains just the "mysqld-max.exe" and "mysqld-max-nt.exe" binaries; because "mysqld.exe", "mysqld-nt.exe", and "mysqld-debug.exe" have not been built for this version. If you previously used one of the latter binaries, you may need to adapt your settings.

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