MySQL 5.0.88 リリース
投稿日時 2009-11-21 18:14:38 | トピック: MySQL 5.0
| MySQL 5.0.88 リリース
MySQL 5.0.88 がリリースされました。 このバージョンは、MySQL 5.0 シリーズの最新バージョンです。 ダウンロードはこちらから: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.0.html なお、MySQL 5.0 シリーズは 2005年10月24日に GA となっていたので、 2009年12月31日を以て アクティブサポートの期間が終了します(延長サポートは 2011年12月31日までです)。 そのため、今後のプロジェクトへの投入は バージョン 5.1 シリーズが推奨されています。 ----------------------- 以下チェンジログ(5.0.88): ■バグ修正: * Security Fix: MySQL clients linked against OpenSSL did not check server certificates presented by a server linked against yaSSL. (Bug#47320: http://bugs.mysql.com/47320)
* MySQL Cluster: When a data node had written its GCI marker to the first page of a megabyte, and that node was later killed during restart after having processed that page (marker) but before completing a LCP, the data node could fail with filesystem errors. (Bug#44952: http://bugs.mysql.com/44952) See also Bug#42564: http://bugs.mysql.com/42564, Bug#44291: http://bugs.mysql.com/44291.
* Replication: When a session was closed on the master, temporary tables belonging to that session were logged with the wrong database names when either of the following conditions was true:
1. The length of the name of the database to which the temporary table belonged was greater than the length of the current database name.
2. The current database was not set. (Bug#48216: http://bugs.mysql.com/48216) See also Bug#46861: http://bugs.mysql.com/46861, Bug#48297: http://bugs.mysql.com/48297.
* Error handling was missing for SELECT statements containing subqueries in the WHERE clause and that assigned a SELECT result to a user variable. The server could crash as a result. (Bug#48291: http://bugs.mysql.com/48291)
* An assertion could fail if the optimizer used a SPATIAL index. (Bug#48258: http://bugs.mysql.com/48258, Bug#47019: http://bugs.mysql.com/47019)
* mysys/mf_keycache.c requires threading, but no test was made for thread support. (Bug#47923: http://bugs.mysql.com/47923)
* If the first argument to GeomFromWKB() function was a geometry value, the function just returned its value. However, it failed to preserve the argument's null_value flag, which caused an unexpected NULL value to be returned to the caller, resulting in a server crash. (Bug#47780: http://bugs.mysql.com/47780)
* The GPL and commercial license headers had different sizes, so that error log, backtrace, core dump, and cluster trace file line numbers could be off by one if they were not checked against the version of the source used for the build. (For example, checking a GPL build backtrace against commercial sources.) (Bug#46216: http://bugs.mysql.com/46216)
* During the build of the Red Hat IA64 MySQL server RPM, the system library link order was incorrect. This made the resulting Red Hat IA64 RPM depend on "libc.so.6.1(GLIBC_PRIVATE)(64bit)", thus preventing installation of the package. (Bug#45706: http://bugs.mysql.com/45706)
* Failure to treat BIT values as unsigned could lead to unpredictable results. (Bug#42803: http://bugs.mysql.com/42803)