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MySQL : MySQL 5.1.20-beta リリース!
投稿者: webmaster 投稿日時: 2007-7-7 17:18:00 (8433 ヒット)

MySQL 5.1.20-beta がリリースされました。

このバージョンは MySQL 5.1 シリーズの ベータ版最新リリースです。ダウンロードは以下のサイトからできます:

 このバージョンではエラー番号の変更(5.1内で)など旧バージョンと非互換の修正がいくつかなされています。 また CREATE TABLE LIKE ... 文で参照されるテーブルへの権限を要求されなかったセキュリティ上の問題も修正されています。
 その他、特定の条件で crash してしまう問題もいくつか修正されているので、一層安定性が増しているバージョンといえるでしょう。


- Incompatible change: It is no longer possible to partition the log tables. (Bug#27816: http://bugs.mysql.com/27816)

- User variables and stored procedure variables are now supported for use in XPath expressions employed as arguments to the ExtractValue() and UpdateXML() functions. (Bug#26518: http://bugs.mysql.com/26518) This means that: + XPath can now be used to load data from XML files using virtually any format, and so able to import data from most third party software which either has XML export functionality, or uses XML natively as a storage format. + Various complex conditions can be put on rows and columns, so one can filter for desired rows (or skip unwanted rows) when loading XML. + Various types of preprocessing using SQL functions are now possible when loading XML. For example, you can concatenate two XML tag or attribute values into a single column value using CONCAT(), or remove some parts of the data using REPLACE(). See Section 12.10, "XML Functions," for more information.

- NDB Cluster: The server source tree now includes scripts to simplify building MySQL with SCI support. For more information about SCI interconnects and these build scripts, see Section 15.12.1, "Configuring MySQL Cluster to use SCI Sockets." (Bug#25470: http://bugs.mysql.com/25470)

- NDB Cluster: auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset are now supported for NDB tables. (Bug#26342: http://bugs.mysql.com/26342)

- NDB Cluster: The cluster management client now stores command history between sessions. (Bug#29073: http://bugs.mysql.com/29073)

- NDB Cluster: ndb_error_reporter now preserves timestamps on files. (Bug#29074: http://bugs.mysql.com/29074)

- NDB Cluster: The TimeBetweenWatchdogCheckInitial configuration parameter was added to allow setting of a separate watchdog timeout for memory allocation during startup of the data nodes. See Section, "Defining Data Nodes," for more information. (Bug#28899: http://bugs.mysql.com/28899)

- NDB Cluster: It is now possible to set the maximum size of the allocation unit for table memory using the MaxAllocate configuration parameter. (Bug#29044: http://bugs.mysql.com/29044)

- If a MERGE table cannot be opened or used because of a problem with an underlying table, CHECK TABLE now displays information about which table caused the problem. (Bug#26976: http://bugs.mysql.com/26976)


- Security Fix: CREATE TABLE LIKE did not require any privileges on the source table. (Bug#25578: http://bugs.mysql.com/25578) In addition, CREATE TABLE LIKE was not isolated from alteration by other connections, which resulted in various errors and incorrect binary log order when trying to execute concurrently a CREATE TABLE LIKE statement and either DDL statements on the source table or DML or DDL statements on the target table. (Bug#23667: http://bugs.mysql.com/23667)

- Incompatible change: Some error codes had error numbers in MySQL 5.1 different from the numbers in MySQL 5.0. In MySQL 5.1, error numbers have been changed to match the MySQL 5.0 values: Error codes with value of 1458 or higher have changed in MySQL 5.1 now. Client applications designed to work with MySQL 5.1 with hard-coded error code values (for example, in statements such as if (mysql_errno(mysql) == 1463) { ... }) need to be updated in the source code. All clients designed to work with MySQL 5.1 that test error codes (for example, in statements such as if (mysql_errno(mysql) == ER_VIEW_RECURSIVE) { ... }) should be recompiled. Existing 5.0 clients should now work, without changes or recompilation, against servers for MySQL 5.1.20 or higher. (Bug#29245: http://bugs.mysql.com/29245)

- Incompatible change: The use of an ORDER BY or DISTINCT clause with a query containing a call to the GROUP_CONCAT() function caused results from previous queries to be redisplayed in the current result. The fix for this includes replacing a BLOB value used internally for sorting with a VARCHAR. This means that for long results (more than 65,535 bytes), it is possible for truncation to occur; if so, an appropriate warning is issued. (Bug#23856: http://bugs.mysql.com/23856, Bug#28273: http://bugs.mysql.com/28273)

- NDB Cluster: A query having a large IN(...) or NOT IN(...) list in the WHERE condition on an NDB table could cause mysqld to crash. (Bug#29185: http://bugs.mysql.com/29185)

- NDB Cluster (Disk Data): When dropping a page, the stack's bottom entry could sometime be left "cold" rather than "hot", violating the rules for stack pruning.(Bug#29176: http://bugs.mysql.com/29176)

- NDB Cluster: In the event that two data nodes in the same node group and participating in a GCP crashed before they had written their respective P0.sysfile files, QMGR could refuse to start, issuing an invalid Insufficient nodes for restart error instead.(Bug#29167: http://bugs.mysql.com/29167)

- NDB Cluster: Memory corruption could occur due to a problem in the DBTUP kernel block. (Bug#29229: http://bugs.mysql.com/29229)

- NDB Cluster (APIs): An invalid error code could be set on transaction objects by BLOB handling code. (Bug#28724: http://bugs.mysql.com/28724)

- NDB Cluster: Attempting to restore a NULL row to a VARBINARY column caused ndb_restore to fail. (Bug#29103: http://bugs.mysql.com/29103)

- NDB Cluster: ndb_mgm could hang when connecting to a nonexistent host. (Bug#28847: http://bugs.mysql.com/28847)

- NDB Cluster (APIs): The timeout set using the MGM API ndb_mgm_set_timeout() function was incorrectly interpreted as seconds rather than as milliseconds. (Bug#29063: http://bugs.mysql.com/29063)

- NDB Cluster: When shutting down mysqld, the NDB binlog process was not shut down before log cleanup began. (Bug#28949: http://bugs.mysql.com/28949)

- NDB Cluster: A race condition could result when non-master nodes (in addition to the master node) tried to update active status due to a local checkpoint. Now only the master updates the active status. (Bug#28717: http://bugs.mysql.com/28717)

- NDB Cluster: The management client's response to START BACKUP WAIT COMPLETED did not include the backup ID. (Bug#27640: http://bugs.mysql.com/27640)

- NDB Cluster: A regression in the heartbeat monitoring code could lead to node failure under high load. This issue affected MySQL 5.1.19 only. (Bug#28783: http://bugs.mysql.com/28783)

- NDB Cluster (Replication): When replicating MyISAM or InnoDB tables to a MySQL Cluster, it was not possible to determine exactly what had been applied following a shutdown of the slave cluster or mysqld process. (Bug#26783: http://bugs.mysql.com/26783)

- NDB Cluster: Having large amounts of memory locked caused swapping to disk. (Bug#28751: http://bugs.mysql.com/28751)

- NDB Cluster: The actual value of MaxNoOfOpenFiles as used by the cluster was offset by 1 from the value set in config.ini. This meant that setting InitialNoOpenFilesto the same value always caused an error. (Bug#28749: http://bugs.mysql.com/28749)

- NDB Cluster: LCP files were not removed following an initial system restart. (Bug#28726: http://bugs.mysql.com/28726)

- NDB Cluster: A fast global checkpoint under high load with a high usage of the redo buffer caused data nodes to fail. (Bug#28653: http://bugs.mysql.com/28653)

- NDB Cluster (Disk Data): When loading data into a cluster following a version upgrade, the data nodes could forcibly shut down due to page and buffer management failures. (Bug#28525: http://bugs.mysql.com/28525)

- NDB Cluster: UPDATE IGNORE statements involving the primary keys of multiple tables could result in data corruption. (Bug#28719: http://bugs.mysql.com/28719)

- NDB Cluster: A corrupt schema file could cause a File already open error. (Bug#28770: http://bugs.mysql.com/28770)

- NDB Cluster Disk Data: Repeated INSERT and DELETE operations on a Disk Data table having one or more large VARCHAR columns could cause data nodes to fail. (Bug#20612: http://bugs.mysql.com/20612)

- NDB Cluster (Replication): A replicated unique key allowed duplicate key inserts on the slave. (Bug#27044: http://bugs.mysql.com/27044)

- The binlog_format system variable value was empty if the server was started with binary logging disabled. Now it is set to MIXED. (Bug#28752: http://bugs.mysql.com/28752)

- Conversion of U+00A5 YEN SIGN and U+203E OVERLINE from ucs2 to ujis produced incorrect results. (Bug#28600: http://bugs.mysql.com/28600)

- Some valid identifiers were not parsed correctly. (Bug#28127: http://bugs.mysql.com/28127)

- On Windows, USE_TLS was not defined for mysqlclient.lib. (Bug#28860: http://bugs.mysql.com/28860)

- A malformed password packet in the connection protocol could cause the server to crash. (Bug#28984: http://bugs.mysql.com/28984)

- A too-long shared-memory-base-name value could cause a buffer overflow and crash the server or clients. (Bug#24924: http://bugs.mysql.com/24924)

- On Windows, an application that called mysql_thread_init() but forgot to call mysql_thread_end() would get this error: Error in my_thread_global_end() (Bug#25621: http://bugs.mysql.com/25621)

- A stack overrun could occur when storing DATETIME values using repeated prepared statements. (Bug#27592: http://bugs.mysql.com/27592)

- INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE could under some circumstances silently update rows when it should not have. (Bug#28904: http://bugs.mysql.com/28904)

- Using events in replication could cause the slave to crash. (Bug#28953: http://bugs.mysql.com/28953)

- ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE KEYS could cause mysqld to crash when executed on a table containing on a MyISAM table containing billions of rows. (Bug#27029: http://bugs.mysql.com/27029)

- A FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK statement followed by a FLUSH LOGS statement caused a deadlock if the general log or the slow query log was enabled. (Bug#26380: http://bugs.mysql.com/26380)

- The TRUNCATE statement was handled differently by the server when row-based logging was in effect, even though the binlogging format in effect does not effect the fact that TRUNCATE is always logged as a statement. (Bug#29130: http://bugs.mysql.com/29130)

- When the query cache was fully used, issuing RENAME DATABASE or RENAME SCHEMA could cause the server to hang, with 100% CPU usage. (Bug#28211: http://bugs.mysql.com/28211)

- Binary content 0x00 in a BLOB column sometimes became 0x5C 0x00 following a dump and reload, which could cause problems with data using multi-byte character sets such as GBK (Chinese). This was due to a problem with SELECT INTO OUTFILE whereby LOAD DATA later incorrectly interpreted 0x5C as the second byte of a multi-byte sequence rather than as the SOLIDUS ("\") character, used by MySQL as the escape character. (Bug#26711: http://bugs.mysql.com/26711)

- If one of the queries in a UNION used the SQL_CACHE option and another query in the UNION contained a nondeterministic function, the result was still cached. For example, this query was incorrectly cached: SELECT NOW() FROM t1 UNION SELECT SQL_CACHE 1 FROM t1; (Bug#29053: http://bugs.mysql.com/29053)

- Queries using UDFs or stored functions were cached. (Bug#28921: http://bugs.mysql.com/28921)

- The modification of a table by a partially completed multi-column update was not recorded in the binlog, rather than being marked by an event and a corresponding error code. (Bug#27716: http://bugs.mysql.com/27716)

- SHOW ENGINES and queries on INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ENGINES did not use the same values for representing the same storage engine states. (Bug#27684: http://bugs.mysql.com/27684)

- Connections from one mysqld server to another failed on Mac OS X, affecting replication and FEDERATED tables. (Bug#26664: http://bugs.mysql.com/26664)

- The "manager thread" of the LinuxThreads implementation was unintentionally started before mysqld had dropped privileges (to run as an unprivileged user). This caused signaling between threads in mysqld to fail when the privileges were finally dropped. (Bug#28690: http://bugs.mysql.com/28690)

- A query that grouped by the result of an expression returned a different result when the expression was assigned to a user variable. (Bug#28494: http://bugs.mysql.com/28494)

- The result of evaluation for a view's CHECK OPTION option over an updated record and records of merged tables was arbitrary and dependant on the order of records in the merged tables during the execution of the SELECT statement. (Bug#28716: http://bugs.mysql.com/28716)

- Outer join queries with ON conditions over constant outer tables did not return NULL-complemented rows when conditions were evaluated to FALSE. (Bug#28571: http://bugs.mysql.com/28571)

- An update on a multiple-table view with the CHECK OPTION clause and a subquery in the WHERE condition could cause an assertion failure. (Bug#28561: http://bugs.mysql.com/28561)

- mysql_affected_rows() could return an incorrect result for INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE if the CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag was set. (Bug#28505: http://bugs.mysql.com/28505)

- Using ALTER TABLE to move columns resulted only in the columns being renamed. The table contents were not changed. (Bug#28427: http://bugs.mysql.com/28427)

- Storing a large number into a FLOAT or DOUBLE column with a fixed length could result in incorrect truncation of the number if the columns's length was greater than 31. (Bug#28121: http://bugs.mysql.com/28121)

- HASH indexes on VARCHAR columns with binary collations did not ignore trailing spaces from strings before comparisons. This could result in duplicate records being successfully inserted into a MEMORY table with unique key constraints. A consequence was that internal MEMORY tables used for GROUP BY calculation contained duplicate rows that resulted in duplicate-key errors when converting those temporary tables to MyISAM, and that error was incorrectly reported as a table is full error. (Bug#27643: http://bugs.mysql.com/27643)

- The server deducted some bytes from the key_cache_block_size option value and reduced it to the next lower 512 byte boundary. The resulting block size was not a power of two. Setting the key_cache_block_size system variable to a value that is not a power of two resulted in MyISAM table corruption. (Bug#23068: http://bugs.mysql.com/23068, Bug#25853: http://bugs.mysql.com/25853, Bug#28478: http://bugs.mysql.com/28478)

- ON conditions from JOIN expressions were ignored when checking the CHECK OPTION clause while updating a multiple-table view that included such a clause. (Bug#27827: http://bugs.mysql.com/27827)

- The IS_UPDATABLE column in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS table was not always set correctly. (Bug#28266: http://bugs.mysql.com/28266)

- For CAST() of a NULL value with type DECIMAL, the return value was incorrectly initialized, producing a runtime error for binaries built using Visual C++ 2005. (Bug#28250: http://bugs.mysql.com/28250)

- DECIMAL values beginning with nine 9 digits could be incorrectly rounded. (Bug#27984: http://bugs.mysql.com/27984)

- For debug builds, ALTER TABLE could trigger an assertion failure due to occurrence of a deadlock when committing changes. (Bug#28652: http://bugs.mysql.com/28652)

- Searches on indexed and non-indexed ENUM columns could return different results for empty strings. (Bug#28729: http://bugs.mysql.com/28729)

- Non-utf8 characters could get mangled when stored in CSV tables. (Bug#28862: http://bugs.mysql.com/28862)

- If a stored function or trigger was killed, it aborted but no error was thrown, allowing the calling statement to continue without noticing the problem. This could lead to incorrect results. (Bug#27563: http://bugs.mysql.com/27563)

- When ALTER TABLE was used to add a new DATE column with no explicit default value, '0000-00-00' was used as the default even if the SQL mode included the NO_ZERO_DATE mode to prohibit that value. A similar problem occurred for DATETIME columns. (Bug#27507: http://bugs.mysql.com/27507)

- Statements within triggers ignored the value of the low_priority_updates system variable. (Bug#26162: http://bugs.mysql.com/26162)

- The server was ignoring the return value of the parse() function for full-text parser plugins. (Bug#18839: http://bugs.mysql.com/18839)

- Queries that used UUID() were incorrectly allowed into the query cache. (This should not happen because UUID() is non-deterministic.) (Bug#28897: http://bugs.mysql.com/28897)

- The Bytes_received and Bytes_sent status variables could hold only 32-bit values (not 64-bit values) on some platforms. (Bug#28149: http://bugs.mysql.com/28149)

- SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES repeated some variable names. (Bug#28580: http://bugs.mysql.com/28580)

- Passing a DECIMAL value as a parameter of a statement prepared with PREPARE resulted in an error. (Bug#28509: http://bugs.mysql.com/28509)

- For attempts to open a non-existent table, the server should report ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE but sometimes reported ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED. (Bug#27907: http://bugs.mysql.com/27907)

- Due to a race condition, executing FLUSH PRIVILEGES in one thread could cause brief table unavailability in other threads. (Bug#24988: http://bugs.mysql.com/24988)

- Conversion errors could occur when constructing the condition for an IN predicate. The predicate was treated as if the affected column contains NULL, but if the IN predicate is inside NOT, incorrect results could be returned. (Bug#22855: http://bugs.mysql.com/22855)

- Linux binaries were unable to dump core after executing a setuid() call. (Bug#21723: http://bugs.mysql.com/21723)

- Using up-arrow for command-line recall in mysql* could cause a segmentation fault. (Bug#10218: http://bugs.mysql.com/10218)

- Long pathnames for internal temporary tables could cause stack overflows. (Bug#29015: http://bugs.mysql.com/29015)

- If a program binds a given number of parameters to a prepared statement handle and then somehow changes stmt->param_count to a different number, mysql_stmt_execute() could crash the client or server. (Bug#28934: http://bugs.mysql.com/28934)

- Using a VIEW created with a non-existing DEFINER could lead to incorrect results under some circumstances. (Bug#28895: http://bugs.mysql.com/28895)

- In MySQL 5.1.15, a new error code ER_DUP_ENTRY_WITH_KEY_NAME (1582) was introduced to replace ER_DUP_ENTRY (1062) so that the key name could be provided instead of the key number. This was unnecessary, so ER_DUP_ENTRY is used again and the key name is printed. The incompatibility introduced in 5.1.15 no longer applies. (Bug#28842: http://bugs.mysql.com/28842)

- When one thread attempts to lock two (or more) tables and another thread executes a statement that aborts these locks (such as REPAIR TABLE, OPTIMIZE TABLE, or CHECK TABLE), the thread might get a table object with an incorrect lock type in the table cache. The result is table corruption or a server crash. (Bug#28574: http://bugs.mysql.com/28574)

- The server crashed when attempting to open a table having a #mysql50# prefix in the database or table name. The server now will not open such tables. (This prefix is reserved by mysql_upgrade for accessing 5.0 tables that have names not yet encoded for 5.1.) (Bug#26402: http://bugs.mysql.com/26402)

- Running SHOW TABLE STATUS while performing a high number of inserts on partitioned tables with a great many partitions could cause the server to crash. (Bug#28806: http://bugs.mysql.com/28806)

- An error occurred trying to connect to mysqld-debug.exe. (Bug#27597: http://bugs.mysql.com/27597)

- Using an INTEGER column from a table to ROUND() a number produced different results than using a constant with the same value as the INTEGER column. (Bug# 28980)

- The PARTITION_COMMENT column of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PARTITIONS table had the wrong default value. (Bug#28007: http://bugs.mysql.com/28007)

- Performing ALTER TABLE ... ADD PARTITION or ALTER TABLE DROP PARTITION could result in inconsistent data, or cause the server to crash, if done concurrently with other accesses to the table. (Bug#28477: http://bugs.mysql.com/28477, Bug#28488: http://bugs.mysql.com/28488)

- InnoDB tables using an indexed CHAR column with utf8 as the default character set could fail to return the right rows. (Bug#28878: http://bugs.mysql.com/28878)

- Using BETWEEN with non-indexed date columns and short formats of the date string could return incorrect results. (Bug#28778: http://bugs.mysql.com/28778)

- When using a MEMORY table on Mac OS X, dropping a table and than creating a table with the same name could cause the information of the deleted table to remain accessible, leading to index errors. (Bug#28309: http://bugs.mysql.com/28309)

- Granting access privileges to an individual table where the database or table name contained an underscore would fail. (Bug#18660: http://bugs.mysql.com/18660)

- A subquery with ORDER BY and LIMIT 1 could cause a server crash. (Bug#28811: http://bugs.mysql.com/28811)

- Selecting GEOMETRY columns in a UNION caused a server crash. (Bug#28763: http://bugs.mysql.com/28763)

- mysqltest used a too-large stack size on PPC/Debian Linux, causing thread-creation failure for tests that use many threads. (Bug#28333: http://bugs.mysql.com/28333)

- When constructing the path to the original .frm file, ALTER .. RENAME was unnecessarily (and incorrectly) lowercasing the entire path when not on a case-insensitive filesystem, causing the statement to fail. (Bug#28754: http://bugs.mysql.com/28754)

- PURGE MASTER LOGS BEFORE (subquery) caused a server crash. Subqueries are forbidden in the BEFORE clause now. (Bug#28553: http://bugs.mysql.com/28553)

- A server crash could happen under rare conditions such that a temporary table outgrew heap memory reserved for it and the remaining disk space was not big enough to store the table as a MyISAM table. (Bug#28449: http://bugs.mysql.com/28449)

- On some Linux distributions where LinuxThreads and NPTL glibc versions both are available, statically built binaries can crash because the linker defaults to LinuxThreads when linking statically, but calls to external libraries (such as libnss) are resolved to NPTL versions. This cannot be worked around in the code, so instead if a crash occurs on such a binary/OS combination, print an error message that provides advice about how to fix the problem. (Bug#24611: http://bugs.mysql.com/24611)

- Stack overflow caused server crashes. (Bug#21476: http://bugs.mysql.com/21476)

- The test case for mysqldump failed with bin-log disabled. (Bug#28372: http://bugs.mysql.com/28372)

- The check-cpu script failed to detect AMD64 Turion processors correctly. (Bug#17707: http://bugs.mysql.com/17707)

- Attempting to create an index on a BIT column failed after modifying the column. (Bug#28631: http://bugs.mysql.com/28631)

- After an upgrade, the names of stored routines referenced by views were no longer displayed by SHOW CREATE VIEW. This was a regression introduced by the fix for Bug#23491: http://bugs.mysql.com/23491. (Bug#28605: http://bugs.mysql.com/28605)

- Killing from one connection a long-running EXPLAIN QUERY started from another connection caused mysqld to crash. (Bug#28598: http://bugs.mysql.com/28598)

- When upgrading from MySQL 5.1.17 to 5.1.18, mysql_upgrade and mysql_fix_privilege_tables did not upgrade the system tables relating to the Event Scheduler correctly. (Bug#28521: http://bugs.mysql.com/28521)

- Subselects returning LONG values in MySQL versions later than 5.0.24a returned LONGLONG prior to this. The previous behavior was restored. This issue was introduced by the fix for Bug#19714: http://bugs.mysql.com/19714. (Bug#28492: http://bugs.mysql.com/28492)

- Executing EXPLAIN EXTENDED on a query using a derived table over a grouping subselect could lead to a server crash. This occurred only when materialization of the derived tables required creation of an auxiliary temporary table, an example being when a grouping operation was carried out with usage of a temporary table. (Bug#28728: http://bugs.mysql.com/28728)

- Binary logging of prepared statements could produce syntactically incorrect queries in the binary log, replacing some parameters with variable names rather than variable values. This could lead to incorrect results on replication slaves. (Bug#12826: http://bugs.mysql.com/12826, Bug#26842: http://bugs.mysql.com/26842)

- Attempting to LOAD_FILE from an empty floppy drive under Windows, caused the server to hang. For example, if you opened a connection to the server and then issued the command SELECT LOAD_FILE('a:test');, with no floppy in the drive, the server was inaccessible until the modal pop-up dialog box was dismissed. (Bug#28366: http://bugs.mysql.com/28366)

- mysqldump calculated the required memory for a hex-blob string incorrectly causing a buffer overrun. This in turn caused mysqldump to crash silently and produce incomplete output. (Bug#28522: http://bugs.mysql.com/28522)

- The query SELECT '2007-01-01' + INTERVAL column_name DAY FROM table_name caused mysqld to fail. (Bug#28450: http://bugs.mysql.com/28450)

- The result of executing of a prepared statement created with PREPARE s FROM "SELECT 1 LIMIT ?" was not replicated correctly. (Bug#28464: http://bugs.mysql.com/28464)

- For a given user variable @v, the statements SELECT @v and CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT @v did not return the same data type. (Bug#26277: http://bugs.mysql.com/26277)

- Trying to shut down the server following a failed LOAD DATA INFILE caused mysqld to crash. (Bug#17233: http://bugs.mysql.com/17233)

- A number of SHOW statements caused mysqld to crash on recent versions of Solaris. This issue is believed to be present only in MySQL 5.1.12 and later. (Bug#23810: http://bugs.mysql.com/23810)

- Using CREATE TABLE LIKE ... would raise an assertion when replicated to a slave. (Bug#18950: http://bugs.mysql.com/18950)

- Forcing the use of an index on a SELECT query when the index had been disabled would raise an error without running the query. The query now executes, with a warning generated noting that the use of a disabled index has been ignored. (Bug#28476: http://bugs.mysql.com/28476)

- When using mysqlbinlog with --read-from-remote-server to load the data direct from a remote MySQL server would cause a core dump when dumping certain binary log events. (Bug#17654: http://bugs.mysql.com/17654)

- When using transactions and replication, shutting down the master in the middle of a transaction would cause all slaves to stop replicating. (Bug#22725: http://bugs.mysql.com/22725)

- Recreating a view that already exists on the master would cause a replicating slave to terminate replication with a 'different error message on slave and master' error. (Bug#28244: http://bugs.mysql.com/28244)

- A stored program that uses a variable name containing multibyte characters could fail to execute. (Bug#27876: http://bugs.mysql.com/27876)

- The internal functions for table preparation, creation, and alteration were not re-execution friendly, causing problems in code that: repeatedly altered a table; repeatedly created and dropped a table; opened and closed a cursor on a table, altered the table, and then reopened the cursor; used ALTER TABLE to change a table's current AUTO_INCREMENT value; created indexes on utf8 columns. (Bug#4968: http://bugs.mysql.com/4968, Bug#6895: http://bugs.mysql.com/6895, Bug#19182: http://bugs.mysql.com/19182, Bug#19733: http://bugs.mysql.com/19733, Bug#22060: http://bugs.mysql.com/22060, Bug#24879: http://bugs.mysql.com/24879)

- The query
SELECT /*2*/ user, host, db, info
WHERE (command!='Daemon' || user='event_scheduler')
AND (info IS NULL OR info NOT LIKE '%processlist%')
yielded inconsistent results. (Bug#26338: http://bugs.mysql.com/26338)

- Sending debugging information from a dump of the Event Scheduler to COM_DEBUG could cause the server to crash. (Bug#28075: http://bugs.mysql.com/28075)

- Setting an interval of EVERY 0 SECOND for a scheduled event caused the server to crash. (Bug#28666: http://bugs.mysql.com/28666)

- Following an invalid call to UpdateXML(), calling the function again (even if valid) crashed the server. (Bug#27898: http://bugs.mysql.com/27898)

- Calling the UpdateXML() function using invalid XPath syntax caused memory corruption possibly leading to a crash of the server. (Bug#28558: http://bugs.mysql.com/28558)

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