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MySQL : MySQL 5.1.18-beta リリース
投稿者: webmaster 投稿日時: 2007-5-16 13:53:37 (7685 ヒット)

MySQL 5.1.18-beta がリリースされました。 5.1.18-beta は、バージョン 5.1 系統の最新ベータリリースです。 正式リリース版の最新は 5.0系統になります。

バージョン 5.1 シリーズのリリース間隔も月1回程度と良いペースになってきていますので、いよいよ正式リリースに向けて本腰を入れているのかもしれませんね。


- Incompatible change: The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.EVENTS and mysql.event tables have been changed to facilitate replication of events. When upgrading to MySQL 5.1.18, you must run mysql_upgrade prior to working with events. Until you have done so, any statement relating to the Event Scheduler or these tables (including SHOW EVENTS) will fail with the errors Expected field status at position 12 to have type enum ('ENABLED','SLAVESIDE_DISABLED','DISABLED'), found enum('ENABLED','DISABLED') and Table mysql.event is damaged. Can not open. These changes were made as part of fixes for the following bugs:
  + The effects of scheduled events were not replicated (that is, binary logging of scheduled events did not work). (Bug#16421: http://bugs.mysql.com/16421, Bug#17857: http://bugs.mysql.com/17857)
  + Effects of scheduled events on a replication master were both replicated and executed on the slave, causing double execution of events. (Bug#20384: http://bugs.mysql.com/20384)
  + CREATE FUNCTION statements and their effects were not replicated correctly. (Bug#17671: http://bugs.mysql.com/17671) For more information, see Section, "Replication of Invoked Features."

- The plugin interface and its handling of server variables was changed: Command line options such as '--skip-innodb' will now cause an error if InnoDB is not built-in/plugin-loaded. Users should use '--loose-skip-innodb' if they do not want any error even if InnoDB is not available. The 'loose' prefix modifier should be used for all command line options where the user is uncertain if the plugin exists and where they want operation to proceed even if the option is neccessarily ignored due to the absence of the plugin.

- New command line options: In order to alleviate ambiguities in variable names, all variables related to plugins can be specified using a 'plugin' part in the name. For example, every time where we used to have 'innodb' in the command-line options, one can now write 'plugin-innodb': --skip-plugin-innodb --plugin-innodb-buffer-pool-size=# Furthermore, this is the preferred syntax. It helps to avoid ambiguities when a plugin, say, "wait", has an options called "timeout". '--wait-timeout' will still set a server variable, but '--plugin-wait-timeout' will set the plugin variable. Also, there is a new command line option '--plugin-load' to install/load plugins at initialization time without using the mysql.plugin table.

- Storage engine plugins may now be uninstalled at run time - however, a plugin is not actually uninstalled until after its reference count drops to zero. The 'default_storage_engine' server variable consumes a reference count, so uninstalling will not complete until said reference is removed.

- The output of mysql --xml and mysqldump --xml now includes a valid XML namespace. (Bug#25946: http://bugs.mysql.com/25946)

- The mysql_create_system_tables script was removed because mysql_install_db no longer uses it in MySQL 5.1.

- Renamed the old_mode system variable to old.

- If you use SSL for a client connection, you can tell the client not to authenticate the server certificate by specifying neither --ssl-ca nor --ssl-capath. The server still verifies the client according to any applicable requirements established via GRANT statements for the client, and it still uses any --ssl-ca/--ssl-capath values that were passed to server at startup time. (Bug#25309: http://bugs.mysql.com/25309)

- Added a MASTER_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT option for the CHANGE MASTER statement, and a Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert output column to the SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement. The option value also is written to the master.info file. (Bug#19991: http://bugs.mysql.com/19991)

- NDB Cluster (APIs): The MGM API now supports explicit setting of network timeouts using the ndb_mgm_set_timeout() function. A utility function ndb_mgm_number_of_mgmd_in_connect_string() is also implemented to facilitate calculation of timeouts based on the number of management servers in the cluster. For more information, see ndb_mgm_set_timeout() (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/ndbapi/en/ndb-mgm-set-timeout.html), and ndb_mgm_number_of_mgmd_in_connect_string() (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/ndbapi/en/ndb-mgm-number-of-mgmd-in- connect-string.html).

- NDB Cluster: The behavior of the ndb_restore utility has been changed as follows:
  + It is now possible to restore selected databases or tables using ndb_restore. (Bug#26899: http://bugs.mysql.com/26899)
  + Several options have been added for use with ndb_restore --print_data to facilitate the creation of structured data dump files. These options can be used to make dumps made using ndb_restore more like those produced by mysqldump. (Bug#26900: http://bugs.mysql.com/26900) For details of these changes, see Section 15.9.3, "ndb_restore --- Restore a Cluster Backup."

- NDB Cluster (Replication)/Incompatible Change: The definition of the mysql.ndb_apply_status table has changed such that an online upgrade is not possible from MySQL 5.1.17 or earlier for a replication slave cluster; you must shut down all SQL nodes as part of the upgrade procedure. See Section 15.6.2, "Cluster Upgrade and Downgrade Compatibility" before upgrading for details. For more information about the changes to mysql.ndb_apply_status see Section 15.11.4, "Cluster Replication Schema and Tables."

- NDB Cluster (Replication): Some circular replication setups are now supported for MySQL Cluster. See Section 15.11.3, "Known Issues," for detailed information. (Bug#25688: http://bugs.mysql.com/25688, Bug#17095: http://bugs.mysql.com/17095)

- NDB Cluster: The following changes were made for the ndb_size.pl utility:
  + When ndb_size.pl calculates a value for a given configuration parameter that is less than the default value, it now suggests the default value instead. (Bug#24227: http://bugs.mysql.com/24227)
  + The dependency on HTML::Template was removed. (Bug#24228: http://bugs.mysql.com/24228)

- Several additional data types are supported for columns in INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables: DATE, TIME, BLOB, FLOAT, and all integer types. (Bug#27047: http://bugs.mysql.com/27047)

- NDB Cluster: The internal specifications for columns in NDB tables has changed to allow compatibility with future MySQL Cluster releases that are expected to implement online adding and dropping of columns. This change is not backwards compatible with earlier MySQL versions. See [1]the related note in Section 15.6.2, "Cluster Upgrade and Downgrade Compatibility," for important information prior to upgrading a MySQL Cluster to MySQL 5.1.18 or later from MySQL 5.1.17 or earlier. See also Bug#28205: http://bugs.mysql.com/28205.

- If a set function S with an outer reference S(outer_ref) cannot be aggregated in the outer query against which the outer reference has been resolved, MySQL interprets S(outer_ref) the same way that it would interpret S(const). However, standard SQL requires throwing an error in this situation. An error now is thrown for such queries if the ANSI SQL mode is enabled. (Bug#27348: http://bugs.mysql.com/27348)

- Security fix: If a stored routine was declared using SQL SECURITY INVOKER, a user who invoked the routine could gain privileges. (Bug#27337: http://bugs.mysql.com/27337)

- Security fix: The requirement of the DROP privilege for RENAME TABLE was not being enforced. (Bug#27515: http://bugs.mysql.com/27515)

- Security fix: A user with only the ALTER privilege on a partitioned table could obtain information about the table that should require the SELECT privilege. (Bug#23675: http://bugs.mysql.com/23675)

- The patches for Bug#19370: http://bugs.mysql.com/19370 and Bug#21789: http://bugs.mysql.com/21789 were reverted.

- ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE failed for a table partitioned by KEY on a primary key VARCHAR column. (Bug#27123: http://bugs.mysql.com/27123)

- NDB Cluster (Disk Data): It was possible to drop the last remaining datafile in a tablespace (using an ALTER TABLESPACE statement), even though there was still an empty table using the tablespace. (Bug#21699: http://bugs.mysql.com/21699) It should be noted that the datafile could be not dropped if the table still contained any rows, so this bug involved no loss of data.

- NDB Cluster: INSERT IGNORE wrongly ignored NULL values in unique indexes. (Bug#27980: http://bugs.mysql.com/27980)

- NDB Cluster: The name of the month "March" was given incorrectly in the cluster error log. (Bug#27926: http://bugs.mysql.com/27926)

- NDB Cluster (Cluster Replication / Disk Data): An issue with replication of Disk Data tables could in some cases lead to node failure. (Bug#28161: http://bugs.mysql.com/28161)

- NDB Cluster (APIs): For BLOB reads on operations with lock mode LM_CommittedRead, the lock mode was not upgraded to LM_Read before the state of the BLOB had already been calculated. The NDB API methods affected by this problem included the following:
  + NdbOperation::readTuple()
  + NdbScanOperation::readTuples()
  + NdbIndexScanOperation::readTuples() (Bug#27320: http://bugs.mysql.com/27320)

- NDB Cluster (Disk Data): Setting the value of the UNDO BUFFER SIZE to 64K or less in a CREATE LOGFILE GROUP statement led to failure of cluster data nodes. (Bug#24560: http://bugs.mysql.com/24560)

- NDB Cluster: The cluster waited 30 seconds instead of 30 milliseconds before reading table statistics. (Bug#28093: http://bugs.mysql.com/28093)

- NDB Cluster: It was not possible to add a unique index to an NDB table while in single user mode. (Bug#27710: http://bugs.mysql.com/27710)

- NDB Cluster: Performing a delete followed by an insert during a local checkpoint could cause a Rowid already allocated error. (Bug#27205: http://bugs.mysql.com/27205)

- NDB Cluster (Disk Data): When restarting a data node following the creation of a large number (~200) of Disk Data objects, the cluster could not assign a node ID to the restarting node. (Bug#25741: http://bugs.mysql.com/25741)

- NDB Cluster: Adding of indexes online failed for NDB tables having BLOB or TEXT columns. (Bug#25431: http://bugs.mysql.com/25431)

- NDB Cluster: The ndb_resize.pl utility did not calculate memory usage for indexes correctly. (Bug#24229: http://bugs.mysql.com/24229)

- NDB Cluster: While a data node was stopped, dropping a table then creating an index on a different table caused that node to fail during restart. This was due to the re-use of the dropped table's internal ID for the index without verifying that the index now referred to a different database object. (Bug#21755: http://bugs.mysql.com/21755)

- NDB Cluster (Disk Data): When in single user mode, it was possible to create log file groups and tablespaces from any SQL node connected to the cluster. (Bug#27712: http://bugs.mysql.com/27712)

- NDB Cluster (Disk Data): Changing a column specification or issuing a TRUNCATE statement on a Disk Data table caused the table to become an in-memory table. (Bug#24667: http://bugs.mysql.com/24667, Bug#25296: http://bugs.mysql.com/25296) This fix supersedes an incomplete fix that was made for this issue in MySQL 5.1.15.

- NDB Cluster (Replication): Setting SQL_LOG_BIN to zero did not disable binary logging. (Bug#27076: http://bugs.mysql.com/27076) This issue affected only the NDB storage engine.

- NDB Cluster (Replication): It was possible for API nodes to begin interacting with the cluster subscription manager before they were fully connected to the cluster. (Bug#27651: http://bugs.mysql.com/27651)

- NDB Cluster (Replication): Under very high loads, checkpoints could be read or written with checkpoint indexes out of order. (Bug#27651: http://bugs.mysql.com/27651)

- NDB Cluster: NDB tables having MEDIUMINT AUTO_INCREMENT columns were not restored correctly by ndb_restore, causing spurious duplicate key errors. This issue did not affect TINYINT, INT, or BIGINT columns with AUTO_INCREMENT. (Bug#27775: http://bugs.mysql.com/27775)

- NDB Cluster: NDB tables with indexes whose names contained space characters were not restored correctly by ndb_restore (the index names were truncated). (Bug#27758: http://bugs.mysql.com/27758)

- NDB Cluster (Disk Data): Changes to a Disk Data table made as part of a transaction could not be seen by the client performing the changes until the transaction had been committed. (Bug#27757: http://bugs.mysql.com/27757)

- NDB Cluster: An INSERT followed a delete DELETE on the same NDB table caused a memory leak. (Bug#27756: http://bugs.mysql.com/27756) (This bug was introduced by the fix for Bug#20612: http://bugs.mysql.com/20612.)

- NDB Cluster: Some queries that updated multiple tables were not backed up or replicated correctly. (Bug#27748: http://bugs.mysql.com/27748)

- NDB Cluster: Joins on multiple tables containing BLOB columns could cause data nodes run out of memory, and to crash with the error NdbObjectIdMap::expand unable to expand. (Bug#26176: http://bugs.mysql.com/26176)

- NDB Cluster: When trying to create an NDB table after the server was started with --ndbcluster but without --ndb-connectstring, mysqld produced a memory allocation error. (Bug#27359: http://bugs.mysql.com/27359)

- NDB Cluster (APIs): Using NdbBlob::writeData() to write data in the middle of an existing blob value (that is, updating the value) could overwrite some data past the end of the data to be changed. (Bug#27018: http://bugs.mysql.com/27018)

- NDB Cluster (Replication): Trying to replicate a large number of frequent updates with a relatively small relay log (max-relay-log-size set to 1M or less) could cause the slave to crash. (Bug#27529: http://bugs.mysql.com/27529)

- NDB Cluster (Replication): An SQL node acting as a replication master server could be a single point of failure; that is, if it failed, the replication slave had no way of knowing this, which could result in a mismatch of data between the master and the slave. (Bug#21494: http://bugs.mysql.com/21494)

- NDB Cluster (Disk Data): CREATE TABLE ... LIKE disk_data_table created an in-memory NDB table. (Bug#25875: http://bugs.mysql.com/25875)

- NDB Cluster (Disk Data): Creating an excessive number of data files for a single tablespace caused data nodes to crash. (Bug#24521: http://bugs.mysql.com/24521)

- NDB Cluster: Under certain rare circumstances, DROP TABLE or TRUNCATE of an NDB table could cause a node failure or forced cluster shutdown. (Bug#27581: http://bugs.mysql.com/27581)

- NDB Cluster: Memory usage of a mysqld process grew even while idle. (Bug#27560: http://bugs.mysql.com/27560)

- NDB Cluster: Using more than 16GB for DataMemory caused problems with variable-size columns. (Bug#27512: http://bugs.mysql.com/27512)

- NDB Cluster: In an NDB table having a TIMESTAMP column using DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, that column would assume a random value when another column in the same row was updated. (Bug#27127: http://bugs.mysql.com/27127)

- NDB Cluster: Performing ALTER TABLE ... ENGINE=MERGE on an NDB table caused mysqld to crash. (Bug#26898: http://bugs.mysql.com/26898)

- NDB Cluster: The Cluster table handler did not set bits in null bytes correctly. (Bug#26591: http://bugs.mysql.com/26591)

- NDB Cluster: In some cases, AFTER UPDATE and AFTER DELETE triggers on NDB tables that referenced subject table did not see the results of operation which caused invocation of the trigger, but rather saw the row as it was prior to the update or delete operation. This was most noticeable when an update operation used a subquery to obtain the rows to be updated. An example would be UPDATE tbl1 SET col2 = val1 WHERE tbl1.col1 IN (SELECT col3 FROM tbl2 WHERE c4 = val2) where there was an AFTER UPDATE trigger on table tbl1. In such cases, the trigger would fail to execute. The problem occurred because the actual update or delete operations were deferred to be able to perform them later as one batch. The fix for this bug solves the problem by disabling this optimization for a given update or delete if the table has an AFTER trigger defined for this operation. (Bug#26242: http://bugs.mysql.com/26242)

- NDB Cluster: START BACKUP NOWAIT caused a spurious Out of backup record error in the management client (START BACKUP and START BACKUP WAIT STARTED performed normally). (Bug#25446: http://bugs.mysql.com/25446)

- NDB Cluster: When trying to create tables on an SQL node not connected to the cluster, a misleading error message Table 'tbl_name' already exists was generated. The error now generated is Could not connect to storage engine. (Bug#18676: http://bugs.mysql.com/18676)

- NDB Cluster: A data node failing while another data node was restarting could leave the cluster in an inconsistent state. In certain rare cases, this could lead to a race condition and the eventual forced shutdown of the cluster. (Bug#27466: http://bugs.mysql.com/27466)

- NDB Cluster: When using the MemReportFrequency configuration parameter to generate periodic reports of memory usage in the cluster log, DataMemory usage was not always reported for all data nodes. (Bug#27444: http://bugs.mysql.com/27444)

- NDB Cluster: Error messages displayed when running in single user mode were inconsistent. (Bug#27021: http://bugs.mysql.com/27021)

- NDB Cluster: On Solaris, the value of an NDB table column declared as BIT(33) was always displayed as 0. (Bug#26986: http://bugs.mysql.com/26986)

- NDB Cluster (Replication): An UPDATE on the master became a DELETE on slaves. (Bug#27378: http://bugs.mysql.com/27378)

- The fix for Bug#17212: http://bugs.mysql.com/17212 provided correct sort order for misordered output of certain queries, but caused significant overall query performance degradation. (Results were correct (good), but returned much more slowly (bad).) The fix also affected performance of queries for which results were correct. The performance degradation has been addressed. (Bug#27531: http://bugs.mysql.com/27531)

- On Windows, connection handlers did not properly decrement the server's thread count when exiting. (Bug#25621: http://bugs.mysql.com/25621)

- SELECT COUNT(*) from a table containing a DATETIME NOT NULL column could produce spurious warnings with the NO_ZERO_DATE SQL mode enabled. (Bug#22824: http://bugs.mysql.com/22824)

- Nested aggregate functions could be improperly evaluated. (Bug#27363: http://bugs.mysql.com/27363)

- Using CAST() to convert DATETIME values to numeric values did not work. (Bug#23656: http://bugs.mysql.com/23656)

- Early NULL-filtering optimization did not work for eq_ref table access. (Bug#27939: http://bugs.mysql.com/27939)

- Non-grouped columns were allowed by * in ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL mode. (Bug#27874: http://bugs.mysql.com/27874)

- Debug builds on Windows generated false alarms about uninitialized variables with some Visual Studio runtime libraries. (Bug#27811: http://bugs.mysql.com/27811)

- An error message suggested the use of mysql_fix_privilege_tables after an upgrade, but the recommended program is now mysql_upgrade. (Bug#27818: http://bugs.mysql.com/27818)

- mysqld did not check the length of option values and could crash with a buffer overflow for long values. (Bug#27715: http://bugs.mysql.com/27715)

- Index hints (USE INDEX, IGNORE INDEX, FORCE INDEX) cannot be used with FULLTEXT indexes, but were not being ignored. (Bug#25951: http://bugs.mysql.com/25951)

- mysql_upgrade did not detect failure of external commands that it runs. (Bug#26639: http://bugs.mysql.com/26639)

- mysql_upgrade did not pass a password to mysqlcheck if one was given. (Bug#25452: http://bugs.mysql.com/25452)

- On Windows, mysql_upgrade was sensitive to lettercase of the names of some required components. (Bug#25405: http://bugs.mysql.com/25405)

- The result set of a query that used WITH ROLLUP and DISTINCT could lack some rollup rows (rows with NULL values for grouping attributes) if the GROUP BY list contained constant expressions. (Bug#24856: http://bugs.mysql.com/24856)

- Some upgrade problems are detected and better error messages suggesting that mysql_upgrade be run are produced. (Bug#24248: http://bugs.mysql.com/24248)

- A performance degradation was observed for outer join queries to which a not-exists optimization was applied. (Bug#28188: http://bugs.mysql.com/28188)

- The LEAST() and GREATEST() functions compared DATE and DATETIME values as strings, which in some cases could lead to an incorrect result. (Bug#27759: http://bugs.mysql.com/27759)

- SELECT * INTO OUTFILE ... FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.schemata failed with an Access denied error, even for a user who has the FILE privilege. (Bug#28181: http://bugs.mysql.com/28181)

- Certain queries that used uncorrelated scalar subqueries caused EXPLAIN to to crash. (Bug#27807: http://bugs.mysql.com/27807)

- INSERT...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE could cause Error 1032: Can't find record in ... for inserts into an InnoDB table unique index using key column prefixes with an underlying utf8 string column. (Bug#13191: http://bugs.mysql.com/13191)

- On Linux, the server could not create temporary tables if lower_case_table_names was set to 1 and the value of tmpdir was a directory name containing any uppercase letters. (Bug#27653: http://bugs.mysql.com/27653)

- A slave that used --master-ssl-cipher could not connect to the master. (Bug#21611: http://bugs.mysql.com/21611)

- mysqldump crashed if it got no data from SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE (for example, when trying to dump a routine defined by a different user and for which the current user had no privileges). Now it prints a comment to indicate the problem. It also returns an error, or continues if the --force option is given. (Bug#27293: http://bugs.mysql.com/27293)

- Several math functions produced incorrect results for large unsigned values. ROUND() produced incorrect results or a crash for a large number-of-decimals argument. (Bug#24912: http://bugs.mysql.com/24912)

- For storage engines that allow the current auto-increment value to be set, using ALTER TABLE ... ENGINE to convert a table from one such storage engine to another caused loss of the current value. (For storage engines that do not support setting the value, it cannot be retained anyway when changing the storage engine.) (Bug#25262: http://bugs.mysql.com/25262)

- Comparison of a DATE with a DATETIME did not treat the DATE as having a time part of 00:00:00. (Bug#27590: http://bugs.mysql.com/27590)

- A multiple-table UPDATE could return an incorrect rows-matched value if, during insertion of rows into a temporary table, the table had to be converted from a MEMORY table to a MyISAM table. (Bug#22364: http://bugs.mysql.com/22364)

- The omission of leading zeros in dates could lead to erroneous results when these were compared with the output of certain date and time functions. (Bug#16377: http://bugs.mysql.com/16377)

- If CREATE TABLE t1 LIKE t2 failed due to a full disk, an empty t2.frm file could be created but not removed. This file then caused subsequent attempts to create a table named t2 to fail. This is easily corrected at the filesystem level by removing the t2.frm file manually, but now the server removes the file if the create operation does not complete successfully. (Bug#25761: http://bugs.mysql.com/25761)

- The MERGE storage engine could return incorrect results when several index values that compare equality were present in an index (for example, 'gross' and 'gross ', which are considered equal but have different lengths). (Bug#24342: http://bugs.mysql.com/24342)

- For InnoDB tables, a multiple-row INSERT of the form INSERT INTO t (id...) VALUES (NULL...) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id=VALUES(id), where id is an AUTO_INCREMENT column, could cause ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry... errors or lost rows. (Bug#27650: http://bugs.mysql.com/27650)

- mysql_install_db is supposed to detect existing system tables and create only those that do not exist. Instead, it was exiting with an error if tables already existed. (Bug#27783: http://bugs.mysql.com/27783)

- Failure to allocate memory associated with transaction_prealloc_size could cause a server crash. (Bug#27322: http://bugs.mysql.com/27322)

- Aborting a statement on the master that applied to a non-transactional statement broke replication. The statement was written to the binary log but not completely executed on the master. Slaves receiving the statement executed it completely, resulting in loss of data synchrony. Now an error code is written to the error log so that the slaves stop without executing the aborted statement. (That is, replication stops, but synchrony to the point of the stop is preserved and you can investigate the problem.) (Bug#26551: http://bugs.mysql.com/26551)

- The AUTO_INCREMENT value would not be correctly reported for InnoDB tables when using SHOW CREATE TABLE statement or mysqldump command. (Bug#23313: http://bugs.mysql.com/23313)

- Creating a temporary table with InnoDB when using the one-file-per-table setting, when the host filesystem for temporary tables is tmpfs would cause an assertion in mysqld. This was due to the use of O_DIRECT when opening the temporary table file. (Bug#26662: http://bugs.mysql.com/26662)

- An interaction between SHOW TABLE STATUS and other concurrent statements that modify the table could result in a divide-by-zero error and a server crash. (Bug#27516: http://bugs.mysql.com/27516)

- The decimal.h header file was incorrectly omitted from binary distributions. (Bug#27456: http://bugs.mysql.com/27456)

- mysqldump could not connect using SSL. (Bug#27669: http://bugs.mysql.com/27669)

- yaSSL crashed on pre-Pentium Intel CPUs. (Bug#21765: http://bugs.mysql.com/21765)

- The test for the MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT option for mysql_options() was performed incorrectly. Also changed as a result of this bugfix: The arg option for the mysql_options() C API function was changed from char * to void *. (Bug#24121: http://bugs.mysql.com/24121)

- Comparisons using row constructors could fail for rows containing NULL values. (Bug#27704: http://bugs.mysql.com/27704)

- Performing a UNION on two views that had had ORDER BY clauses resulted in an Unknown column error. (Bug#27786: http://bugs.mysql.com/27786)

- The CRC32() function returns an unsigned integer, but the metadata was signed, which could cause certain queries to return incorrect results. (For example, queries that selected a CRC32() value and used that value in the GROUP BY clause.) (Bug#27530: http://bugs.mysql.com/27530)

- A race condition between DROP TABLE and SHOW TABLE STATUS could cause the latter to display incorrect information. (Bug#27499: http://bugs.mysql.com/27499)

- mysqldump would not dump a view for which the DEFINER no longer exists. (Bug#26817: http://bugs.mysql.com/26817)

- Changing a utf8 column in an InnoDB table to a shorter length did not shorten the data values. (Bug#20095: http://bugs.mysql.com/20095)

- The server did not shut down cleanly. (Bug#27310: http://bugs.mysql.com/27310)

- Using SET GLOBAL to change the lc_time_names system variable had no effect on new connections. (Bug#22648: http://bugs.mysql.com/22648)

- The XML output representing an empty result was an empty string rather than an empty element. (Bug#27608: http://bugs.mysql.com/27608)

- The range optimizer could consume a combinatorial amount of memory for certain classes of WHERE clauses. (Bug#26624: http://bugs.mysql.com/26624)

- mysqlbinlog produced different output with the -R option than without it. (Bug#27171: http://bugs.mysql.com/27171)

- A stored function invocation in the WHERE clause was treated as a constant. (Bug#27354: http://bugs.mysql.com/27354)

- mysqldump could not dump the log tables. (Bug#26121: http://bugs.mysql.com/26121)

- Implicit conversion of 9912101 to DATE did not match CAST(9912101 AS DATE). (Bug#23093: http://bugs.mysql.com/23093)

- CURDATE() is less than NOW(), either when comparing CURDATE() directly (CURDATE() < NOW() is true) or when casting CURDATE() to DATE (CAST(CURDATE() AS DATE) < NOW() is true). However, storing CURDATE() in a DATE column and comparing col_name < NOW() incorrectly yielded false. This is fixed by comparing a DATE column as DATETIME for comparisons to a DATETIME constant. (Bug#21103: http://bugs.mysql.com/21103)

- For dates with 4-digit year parts less than 200, an incorrect implicit conversion to add a century was applied for date arithmetic performed with DATE_ADD(), DATE_SUB(), + INTERVAL, and - INTERVAL. (For example, DATE_ADD('0050-01-01 00:00:00', INTERVAL 0 SECOND) became '2050-01-01 00:00:00'.) (Bug#18997: http://bugs.mysql.com/18997)

- Some equi-joins containing a WHERE clause that included a NOT IN subquery caused a server crash. (Bug#27870: http://bugs.mysql.com/27870)

- A memory leak in the event scheduler that was uncovered by Valgrind was fixed. (Bug#27733: http://bugs.mysql.com/27733)

- For queries that used ORDER BY with InnoDB tables, if the optimizer chose an index for accessing the table but found a covering index that enabled the ORDER BY to be skipped, no results were returned. (Bug#24778: http://bugs.mysql.com/24778)

- Group relay log rotation updated only the log position and not the name, causing the slave to stop. (Bug#27583: http://bugs.mysql.com/27583)

- Conversion of DATETIME values in numeric contexts sometimes did not produce a double (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu) value. (Bug#16546: http://bugs.mysql.com/16546)

- Passing nested row expressions with different structures to an IN predicate caused a server crash. (Bug#27484: http://bugs.mysql.com/27484)

- SELECT DISTINCT could return incorrect results if the select list contained duplicated columns. (Bug#27659: http://bugs.mysql.com/27659)

- A subquery could get incorrect values for references to outer query columns when it contained aggregate functions that were aggregated in outer context. (Bug#27321: http://bugs.mysql.com/27321)

- In some cases, the optimizer preferred a range or full index scan access method over lookup access methods when the latter were much cheaper. (Bug#19372: http://bugs.mysql.com/19372)

- Duplicates were not properly identified among (potentially) long strings used as arguments for GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT). (Bug#26815: http://bugs.mysql.com/26815)

- For InnoDB, fixed consistent-read behavior of the first read statement, if the read was served from the query cache, for the READ COMMITTED isolation level. (Bug#21409: http://bugs.mysql.com/21409)

- The binary log incompatiblity introduced by the fix for Bug#22583: http://bugs.mysql.com/22583 was corrected. (Bug#27779: http://bugs.mysql.com/27779)

- Row-based replication of MyISAM to non-MyISAM tables did not work correctly for BIT columns. This has been corrected, but the fix introduces an incompatibility into the binary log format. (Bug#22583: http://bugs.mysql.com/22583) (The incompatibility is corrected by the fix for Bug#27779: http://bugs.mysql.com/27779.)

- Duplicate members in SET definitions were not detected. Now they result in a warning; if strict SQL mode is enabled, an error occurs instead. (Bug#27069: http://bugs.mysql.com/27069)

- If the name of a table given to myisamchk -rq was a packed table and the name included the .MYI extension, myisamchk incorrectly created a file with a .MYI.MYI extension. (Bug#26782: http://bugs.mysql.com/26782)

- For INSERT INTO ... SELECT where index searches used column prefixes, insert errors could occur when key value type conversion was done. (Bug#26207: http://bugs.mysql.com/26207)

- For SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS, the LATEST DEADLOCK INFORMATION was not always cleared properly. (Bug#25494: http://bugs.mysql.com/25494)

- On Windows, if the server was installed as a service, it did not auto-detect the location of the data directory. (Bug#20376: http://bugs.mysql.com/20376)

- The FEDERATED engine did not allow the local and remote tables to have different names. (Bug#26257: http://bugs.mysql.com/26257)

- The NO_DIR_IN_CREATE server SQL mode was not enforced for partitioned tables. (Bug#24633: http://bugs.mysql.com/24633)

- On Windows, trying to use backslash (\) characters in paths for DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY when creating partitioned tables caused MySQL to crash. (Bug#25141: http://bugs.mysql.com/25141, Bug#26074: http://bugs.mysql.com/26074) (You must use / characters when specifying paths for these options, regardless of platform. See Section 16.1, "Overview of Partitioning in MySQL," for an example using absolute paths for DATA DIRECTORY and INDEX DIRECTORY when creating a partitioned table on Windows.)

- A damaged or missing mysql.event table caused SHOW VARIABLES to fail. (Bug#23631: http://bugs.mysql.com/23631)

- Database and table names have a maximum length of 64 characters (even if they contain multi-byte characters), but were being truncated to 64 bytes. (Bug#21432: http://bugs.mysql.com/21432)

- If a rotate event occured in the middle of a non-transaction group, the group position would be updated by the rotate event indicating an illegal group start position that was effectively inside a group. This can happen if, for example, a rotate occurs between an Intvar event and the associated Query event, or between the table map events and the rows events when using row-based replication. (Bug#23171: http://bugs.mysql.com/23171)

- mysqldump could crash or exhibit incorrect behavior when some options were given very long values, such as --fields-terminated-by="some very long string". The code has been cleaned up to remove a number of fixed-sized buffers and to be more careful about error conditions in memory allocation. (Bug#26346: http://bugs.mysql.com/26346)

- Setting a column to NOT NULL with an ON DELETE SET NULL clause foreign key crashes the server. (Bug#25927: http://bugs.mysql.com/25927)

- The values displayed for the Innodb_row_lock_time, Innodb_row_lock_time_avg, and Innodb_row_lock_time_max status variables were incorrect. (Bug#23666: http://bugs.mysql.com/23666)

- COUNT(decimal_expr) sometimes generated a spurious truncation warning. (Bug#21976: http://bugs.mysql.com/21976)

- With NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO SQL mode enabled, LOAD DATA operations could assign incorrect AUTO_INCREMENT values. (Bug#27586: http://bugs.mysql.com/27586)

- Incorrect results could be returned for some queries that contained a select list expression with IN or BETWEEN together with an ORDER BY or GROUP BY on the same expression using NOT IN or NOT BETWEEN. (Bug#27532: http://bugs.mysql.com/27532)

- For the INFORMATION_SCHEMA SESSION_STATUS and GLOBAL_STATUS tables, some status values were incorrectly converted to the data type of the VARIABLE_VALUE column. (Bug#27327: http://bugs.mysql.com/27327)

- Queries containing subqueries with COUNT(*) aggregated in an outer context returned incorrect results. This happened only if the subquery did not contain any references to outer columns. (Bug#27257: http://bugs.mysql.com/27257)

- Use of an aggregate function from an outer context as an argument to GROUP_CONCAT() caused a server crash. (Bug#27229: http://bugs.mysql.com/27229)

- Restoration of the default database after stored routine or trigger execution on a slave could cause replication to stop if the database no longer existed. (Bug#25082: http://bugs.mysql.com/25082)

- String truncation upon insertion into an integer or year column did not generate a warning (or an error in strict mode). (Bug#26359: http://bugs.mysql.com/26359, Bug#27176: http://bugs.mysql.com/27176)

- In out-of-memory conditions, the server might crash or otherwise not report an error to the Windows event log. (Bug#27490: http://bugs.mysql.com/27490)

- The temporary file-creation code was cleaned up on Windows to improve server stability. (Bug#26233: http://bugs.mysql.com/26233)

- Out-of-memory errors were not reported. Now they are written to the error log. (Bug#26844: http://bugs.mysql.com/26844)

- mysqldump crashed for MERGE tables if the --complete-insert (-c) option was given. (Bug#25993: http://bugs.mysql.com/25993)

- Corrupted MyISAM tables that have different definitions in the .frm and .MYI tables might cause a server crash. (Bug#25908: http://bugs.mysql.com/25908)

- In certain situations, MATCH ... AGAINST returned false hits for NULL values produced by LEFT JOIN when no full-text index was available. (Bug#25729: http://bugs.mysql.com/25729)

- OPTIMIZE TABLE might fail on Windows when it attempts to rename a temporary file to the original name if the original file had been opened, resulting in loss of the .MYD file. (Bug#25521: http://bugs.mysql.com/25521)

- GRANT statements were not replicated if the server was started with the --replicate-ignore-table or --replicate-wild-ignore-table option. (Bug#25482: http://bugs.mysql.com/25482)

- MBROverlaps() returned incorrect values in some cases. (Bug#24563: http://bugs.mysql.com/24563)

- A problem in handling of aggregate functions in subqueries caused predicates containing aggregate functions to be ignored during query execution. (Bug#24484: http://bugs.mysql.com/24484)

- Improved out-of-memory detection when sending logs from a master server to slaves, and log a message when allocation fails. (Bug#26837: http://bugs.mysql.com/26837)

- MBRDisjoint(), MBRequal(), MBRIntersects(), MBROverlaps(), MBRTouches(), and MBRWithin() were inadvertently omitted from recent versions of MySQL (5.1.14 to 5.1.17). (Bug#24563: http://bugs.mysql.com/24563)

- SHOW CREATE VIEW qualified references to stored functions in the view definition with the function's database name, even when the database was the default database. This affected mysqldump (which uses SHOW CREATE VIEW to dump views) because the resulting dump file could not be used to reload the database into a different database. SHOW CREATE VIEW now suppresses the database name for references to functions in the default database. (Bug#23491: http://bugs.mysql.com/23491)

- When MySQL logged slow query information to a CSV table, it used an incorrect formula to calculate the query_time and lock_time values. (Bug#27638: http://bugs.mysql.com/27638)

- With innodb_file_per_table enabled, attempting to rename an InnoDB table to a non-existent database caused the server to exit. (Bug#27381: http://bugs.mysql.com/27381)

- mysql_install_db could terminate with an error after failing to determine that a system table already existed. (Bug#27022: http://bugs.mysql.com/27022)

- For InnoDB tables having a clustered index that began with a CHAR or VARCHAR column, deleting a record and then inserting another before the deleted record was purged could result in table corruption. (Bug#26835: http://bugs.mysql.com/26835)

- make_win_bin_dist neglected to copy some required MyISAM table files. (Bug#26922: http://bugs.mysql.com/26922)

- Fixed a possible buffer overflow in SHOW PROCEDURE CODE. (Bug#26303: http://bugs.mysql.com/26303)

- Selecting the result of AVG() within a UNION could produce incorrect values. (Bug#24791: http://bugs.mysql.com/24791)

- Access via my_pread() or my_pwrite() to table files larger than 2GB could fail on some systems. (Bug#24566: http://bugs.mysql.com/24566)

- An INTO OUTFILE clause is allowed only for the final SELECT of a UNION, but this restriction was not being enforced correctly. (Bug#23345: http://bugs.mysql.com/23345)

- Duplicate entries were not assessed correctly in a MEMORY table with a BTREE primary key on a utf8 ENUM column. (Bug#24985: http://bugs.mysql.com/24985)

- For MyISAM tables, COUNT(*) could return an incorrect value if the WHERE clause compared an indexed TEXT column to the empty string (''). This happened if the column contained empty strings and also strings starting with control characters such as tab or newline. (Bug#26231: http://bugs.mysql.com/26231)

- For DELETE FROM tbl_name ORDER BY col_name (with no WHERE or LIMIT clause), the server did not check whether col_name was a valid column in the table. (Bug#26186: http://bugs.mysql.com/26186)

- ALTER VIEW requires the CREATE VIEW and DROP privileges for the view. However, if the view was created by another user, the server erroneously required the SUPER privilege. (Bug#26813: http://bugs.mysql.com/26813)

- mysqlbinlog --base64-output produced invalid SQL. (Bug#26194: http://bugs.mysql.com/26194)

- In a view, a column that was defined using a GEOMETRY function was treated as having the LONGBLOB data type rather than the GEOMETRY type. (Bug#27300: http://bugs.mysql.com/27300)

- Some views could not be created even when the user had the requisite privileges. (Bug#24040: http://bugs.mysql.com/24040)

- With the NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO SQL mode enabled, LAST_INSERT_ID() could return 0 after INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE. Additionally, the next rows inserted (by the same INSERT, or the following INSERT with or without ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE), would insert 0 for the auto-generated value if the value for the AUTO_INCREMENT column was NULL or missing. (Bug#23233: http://bugs.mysql.com/23233)

- Executing an INSERT ... SELECT ... FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS statement from within an event caused a server crash. (Bug#26174: http://bugs.mysql.com/26174)

- Having the EXECUTE privilege for a routine in a database should make it possible to USE that database, but the server returned an error instead. This has been corrected. As a result of the change, SHOW TABLES for a database in which you have only the EXECUTE privilege returns an empty set rather than an error. (Bug#9504: http://bugs.mysql.com/9504)

- When RAND() was called multiple times inside a stored procedure, the server did not write the correct random seed values to the binary log, resulting in incorrect replication. (Bug#25543: http://bugs.mysql.com/25543)

- SOUNDEX() returned an invalid string for international characters in multi-byte character sets. (Bug#22638: http://bugs.mysql.com/22638)

- Row equalities in WHERE clauses could cause memory corruption. (Bug#27154: http://bugs.mysql.com/27154)

- GROUP BY on a ucs2 column caused a server crash when there was at least one empty string in the column. (Bug#27079: http://bugs.mysql.com/27079)

- Evaluation of an IN() predicate containing a decimal-valued argument caused a server crash. (Bug#27362: http://bugs.mysql.com/27362)

- Storing NULL values in spatial fields caused excessive memory allocation and crashes on some systems. (Bug#27164: http://bugs.mysql.com/27164)

- mysql_stmt_fetch() did an invalid memory deallocation when used with the embedded server. (Bug#25492: http://bugs.mysql.com/25492)

- For FEDERATED tables, SHOW CREATE TABLE could fail when the table name was longer than the connection name. (Bug#27036: http://bugs.mysql.com/27036)

- In a MEMORY table, using a BTREE index to scan for updatable rows could lead to an infinite loop. (Bug#26996: http://bugs.mysql.com/26996)

- The range optimizer could cause the server to run out of memory. (Bug#26625: http://bugs.mysql.com/26625)

- CREATE SERVER, DROP SERVER, and ALTER SERVER did not require any privileges. Now these statements require the SUPER privilege. (Bug#25671: http://bugs.mysql.com/25671)

- Concurrent CREATE SERVER and ALTER SERVER statements could cause a deadlock. (Bug#25721: http://bugs.mysql.com/25721)

- Difficult repair or optimization operations could cause an assertion failure, resulting in a server crash. (Bug#25289: http://bugs.mysql.com/25289)

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