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MySQL : MySQL 4.0.14 リリース!
投稿者: webmaster 投稿日時: 2003-7-22 9:00:00 (5636 ヒット)

MySQL 4.0.14 がリリースされました。


News from the ChangeLog:

Functionality added or changed:

* A documentation change: Function `INTERVAL(NULL, ...)' returns

* Enabled `INSERT' from `SELECT' when the table into which the
records are inserted is also a table listed in the `SELECT'.

* Allow `CREATE TABLE' and `INSERT' from any `UNION'.

* The `SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS' option now always returns the total
number of rows for any `UNION'.

* Removed `--table' option from `mysqlbinlog' to avoid repeating
`mysqldump' functionality.

* Changed optimiser slightly to prefer index lookups over full table

* Added thread-specific `max_seeks_for_key' variable that can be
used to force the optimiser to use keys instead of table scans
even if the cardinality of the index is low.

* Added optimisation that converts `LEFT JOIN' to normal join in
some cases.

* A documentation change: added a paragraph about failover in
replication (how to use a surviving slave as the new master, how to
resume to the original setup). *Note Replication FAQ::.

* A documentation change: added warning notes about safe use of the

* MySQL now issues a warning (not an error, as in 4.0.13) when it
opens a table that was created with MySQL 4.1.

* Added `--nice' option to `mysqld_safe' to allow setting the
niceness of the `mysqld' process. (Thanks to Christian Hammers for
providing the initial patch.) (Bug #627)

* Added `--read-only' option to cause `mysqld' to allow no updates
except from slave threads or from users with the `SUPER' privilege.
(Original patch from Markus Benning).

* `SHOW BINLOG EVENTS FROM x' where `x' is strictly less than 4 now
silently converts `x' to 4 instead of printing an error. The same
change was done for `CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_LOG_POS=x' and

* `mysqld' now only adds an interrupt handler for the `SIGINT' signal
if you start it with the new `--gdb' option. This is because some
MySQL users encountered strange problems when they accidently sent
`SIGINT' to `mysqld' threads.

* `RESET SLAVE' now clears the `Last_errno' and `Last_error' fields
in the output of `SHOW SLAVE STATUS'.

* Added `max_relay_log_size' variable; the relay log will be rotated
automatically when its size exceeds `max_relay_log_size'. But if
`max_relay_log_size' is 0 (the default), `max_binlog_size' will be
used (as in older versions). `max_binlog_size' still applies to
binary logs in any case.

* `FLUSH LOGS' now rotates relay logs in addition to the other types
of logs it already rotated.

Bugs fixed:

* Comparison/sorting for `latin1_de' character set was rewritten. The
old algorithm could not handle cases like `"sa"" > "ssa"'. *Note German
character set::. In rare cases it resulted in table corruption.

* Fixed a problem with the password prompt on Windows (Bug #683)

* `ALTER TABLE ... UNION=(...)' for `MERGE' table is now allowed
even if some underlying `MyISAM' tables are read-only. (Bug #702)

* Fixed a problem with `CREATE TABLE t1 SELECT x'41''. (Bug #801)

* Removed some incorrect lock warnings from the error log.

* Fixed memory overrun when doing `REPAIR' on a table with a multi-part
auto_increment key where one part was a packed `CHAR'.

* Fixed a probable race condition in the replication code that could
potentially lead to `INSERT' statements not being replicated in the
event of a `FLUSH LOGS' command or when the binary log exceeds
`max_binlog_size'. (Bug #791)

* Fixed a crashing bug in `INTERVAL' and `GROUP BY' or `DISTINCT'.
(Bug #807)

* Fixed bug in `mysqlhotcopy' so it actually aborts for unsuccessful
table copying operations. Fixed another bug so that it succeeds
when there are thousands of tables to copy. (Bug #812)

* Fixed problem with `mysqlhotcopy' failing to read options from
option files. (Bug #808)

* Fixed bugs in optimiser that sometimes prevented MySQL from using
`FULLTEXT' indexes even though it was possible (for example, in
`SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE MATCH a,b AGAINST("index") > 0').

* Fixed a bug with "table is full" in `UNION' operations.

* Fixed a security problem that enabled users with no privileges to
obtain information on the list of existing databases by using
`SHOW TABLES' and similar commands.

* Fixed a stack problem on UnixWare/OpenServer.

* Fixed a configuration problem on UnixWare/OpenUnix and OpenServer.

* Fixed a stack overflow problem in password verification.

* Fixed a problem with `max_user_connections'.

* `HANDLER' without an index now works properly when a table has
deleted rows. (Bug #787)

* Fixed a bug with `LOAD DATA' in `mysqlbinlog'. (Bug #670).

* Fixed that `SET CHARACTER SET DEFAULT' works. (Bug #462)

* Fixed `MERGE' table behaviour in `ORDER BY ... DESC' queries.
(Bug #515)

* Fixed server crash on `PURGE MASTER LOGS' or `SHOW MASTER LOGS'
when the binary log is off. (Bug #733)

* Fixed password-checking problem on Windows. (Bug #464)

* Fixed the bug in comparison of a `DATETIME' column and an integer
constant. (Bug #504)

* Fixed remote mode of `mysqlbinlog'. (Bug #672)

* Fixed `ERROR 1105: Unknown error' that occurred for some `SELECT'
queries, where a column that was declared as `NOT NULL' was
compared with an expression that took `NULL' value.

* Changed timeout in `mysql_real_connect()' to use `poll()' instead
of `select()' to work around problem with many open files in the

* Fixed incorrect results from `MATCH ... AGAINST' used with a `LEFT
JOIN' query.

* Fixed a bug that limited the maximum value for `mysqld' variables
to 4294967295 when they are specified on the command line.

* Fixed a bug that sometimes caused spurious "Access denied" errors
in `HANDLER ... READ' statements, when a table is referenced via
an alias.

* Fixed portability problem with `safe_malloc', which caused MySQL to
give "Freeing wrong aligned pointer" errors on SCO 3.2.

* `ALTER TABLE ... ENABLE/DISABLE KEYS' could cause a core dump when
done after an `INSERT DELAYED' statement on the same table.

* Fixed problem with conversion of localtime to GMT where some times
resulted in different (but correct) timestamps. Now MySQL should
use the smallest possible timestamp value in this case. (Bug #316)

* Very small query cache sizes could crash `mysqld'. (Bug #549)

* Fixed a bug (accidentally introduced by us but present only in
version 4.0.13) that made `INSERT ... SELECT' into an
`AUTO_INCREMENT' column not replicate well. This bug is in the
master, not in the slave. (Bug #490)

* Fixed a bug: When an `INSERT ... SELECT' statement inserted rows
into a non-transactional table, but failed at some point (for
example, due to a "Duplicate key" error), the query was not
written to the binlog. Now it is written to the binlog, with its
error code, as all other queries are. About the
`slave-skip-errors' option for how to handle partially completed
queries in the slave, see *Note Replication Options::. (Bug #491)

* `SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0' was not replicated properly. The fix
probably will not be backported to 3.23.

* On a slave, `LOAD DATA INFILE' which had no `IGNORE' or `REPLACE'
clause on the master, was replicated with `IGNORE'. While this is
not a problem if the master and slave data are identical (a `LOAD'
that produces no duplicate conflicts on the master will produce
none on the slave anyway), which is true in normal operation, it
is better for debugging not to silently add the `IGNORE'. That way,
you can get an error message on the slave and discover that for
some reason, the data on master and slave are different and
investigate why. (Bug #571)

* On a slave, `LOAD DATA INFILE' printed an incomplete "Duplicate
entry '%-.64s' for key %d"' message (the key name and value were
not mentioned) in case of duplicate conflict (which does not
happen in normal operation). (Bug #573)

* When using a slave compiled with `--debug', `CHANGE MASTER TO
RELAY_LOG_POS' could cause a debug assertion failure. (Bug #576)

* When doing a `LOCK TABLES WRITE' on an InnoDB table, commit could
not happen, if the query was not written to the binary log (for
example, if `--log-bin' was not used, or `binlog-ignore-db' was
used). (Bug #578)

* If a 3.23 master had open temporary tables that had been
replicated to a 4.0 slave, and the binlog got rotated, these
temporary tables were immediately dropped by the slave (which
caused problems if the master used them subsequently). This bug
had been fixed in 4.0.13, but in a manner which caused an unlikely
inconvenience: if the 3.23 master died brutally (power failure),
without having enough time to automatically write `DROP TABLE'
statements to its binlog, then the 4.0.13 slave would not notice
the temporary tables have to be dropped, until the slave `mysqld'
server is restarted. This minor inconvenience is fixed in 3.23.57
and 4.0.14 (meaning the master must be upgraded to 3.23.57 and the
slave to 4.0.14 to remove the inconvenience). (Bug #254)

* If `MASTER_POS_WAIT()' was waiting, and the slave was idle, and
the SQL slave thread terminated, `MASTER_POS_WAIT()' would wait
forever. Now when the SQL slave thread terminates,
`MASTER_POS_WAIT()' immediately returns `NULL' ("slave stopped").
(Bug #651)

* After `RESET SLAVE; START SLAVE;', the `Relay_log_space' value
displayed by `SHOW SLAVE STATUS' was too big by four bytes. (Bug

* If a query was ignored on the slave (because of
`replicate-ignore-table' and other similar rules), the slave still
checked if the query got the same error code (0, no error) as on
the master. So if the master had an error on the query (for
example, "Duplicate entry" in a multiple-row insert), then the
slave stopped and warned that the error codes didn't match. (Bug

Additional notes:

* In addition to Solaris 8/9 for SPARC, we now also offer binaries
for Sun Solaris 8 on the Intel x86 architecture.

* Binaries for FreeBSD 5.0 (sparc64) have been added (thanks to Ken
McKittrick for granting us access to such a system)

* Due to technical problems with the build hosts, we currently can not
offer binaries for Linux/s390 and binaries for AIX 4.3 (compiled with
gcc). These will be added as soon as these problems have been
resolved. We apologize for any inconveniences that may cause you.

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