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MySQL 5.0 : MySQL 5.0.85 リリース
投稿者: webmaster 投稿日時: 2009-8-25 8:28:23 (3979 ヒット)

MySQL 5.0.85 がリリースされました。
icc での Linux IA64向けコンパイルで問題があり、今後は "IA64, glibc-2.3,
dynamic,icc" の tarboll は提供しないことにしたそうです。
(同じ IA64/icc でも、Red Hat や SuSE 用のものは提供を続ける)



* The server printed warnings at startup about adjusting the
value of the max_join_size system variable. (These were
harmless, but might be seen by users as significant.)
(Bug#46385: http://bugs.mysql.com/46385)

* The server crashed if evaluation of GROUP_CONCAT(... ORDER BY)
required allocation of a sort buffer but allocation failed.
(Bug#46080: http://bugs.mysql.com/46080)

* After an error such as a table-full condition, INSERT IGNORE
could cause an assertion failure for debug builds.
(Bug#46075: http://bugs.mysql.com/46075)

* An optimization that moved an item from a subquery to an outer
query could cause a server crash.
(Bug#46051: http://bugs.mysql.com/46051)

* Several Valgrind warnings were corrected.
(Bug#46003: http://bugs.mysql.com/46003,
Bug#46034: http://bugs.mysql.com/46034,
Bug#46042: http://bugs.mysql.com/46042)

* For problems reading SSL files during SSL initialization, the
server wrote error messages to stderr rather than to the error
log. (Bug#45770: http://bugs.mysql.com/45770)

* The vendor name change from MySQL AB to Sun Microsystems, Inc.
in RPM packages was not handled gracefully when upgrading
MySQL using an RPM package.
(Bug#45534: http://bugs.mysql.com/45534)

* Compiler warnings on Windows were fixed.
(Bug#45287: http://bugs.mysql.com/45287)

* Invalid memory reads could occur using the compressed
client/server protocol.
(Bug#45031: http://bugs.mysql.com/45031)

* Invalid input could cause invalid memory reads by the parser.
(Bug#45010: http://bugs.mysql.com/45010)

* The server did not always check the return value of calls to
the hash_init() function.
(Bug#43572: http://bugs.mysql.com/43572)

* A test for stack growth failed on some platforms, leading to
server crashes. (Bug#42213: http://bugs.mysql.com/42213)

* SHOW PROCESSLIST could access freed memory of a stored
procedure run in a concurrent session.
(Bug#38816: http://bugs.mysql.com/38816)

* make_binary_distribution did not always generate correct
distribution names. (Bug#37808: http://bugs.mysql.com/37808)

* The server crashed when executing a prepared statement
containing a duplicated MATCH() function call in the select
list and ORDER BY clause; for example, SELECT MATCH(a)
(Bug#37740: http://bugs.mysql.com/37740)

* If InnoDB reached its limit on the number of concurrent
transactions (1023), it wrote a descriptive message to the
error log but returned a misleading error message to the
client, or an assertion failure occurred.
(Bug#18828: http://bugs.mysql.com/18828)

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