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MySQL 5.1 : MySQL 5.1.34 リリース!
投稿者: webmaster 投稿日時: 2009-4-21 15:58:12 (6753 ヒット)

 MySQL 5.1.34 がリリースされました。 MySQL 5.1 シリーズは非常に速いペースでバージョンアップが繰り返されていますね。


また、AIX 5.2 向けのEOL(End of Life) を2009/04/30に迎えるにあたり、おそらく今回のリリースが AIX 5.2 向けの最後のリリースとなりそうとのことです。


- Optimizer: The @@optimizer_switch setting was backported from
MySQL 6.0, with additional switches to turn on/off use of
index_merge optimizations or a particular index_merge algorithm.
For more information please see http://s.petrunia.net/blog/?p=52

- Replication: Important Note: Binary logging with
--binlog_format=ROW failed when a change to be logged included
more than 251 columns. This issue was not known to occur with
mixed-format or statement-based logging.
(Bug#42977: http://bugs.mysql.com/42977)
See also Bug#42914: http://bugs.mysql.com/42914.

- Replication: Assigning an invalid directory for the
--slave-load-tmpdir caused the replication slave to crash.
(Bug#42861: http://bugs.mysql.com/42861)

- Replication: The mysql.procs_priv system table was not
replicated. (Bug#42217: http://bugs.mysql.com/42217)

- Replication: An INSERT DELAYED into a TIMESTAMP column issued
concurrently with a an insert on the same column not using
DELAYED, but applied after the other insert, was logged using
the same timestamp as generated by the other (non-DELAYED)
insert. (Bug#41719: http://bugs.mysql.com/41719)

- Replication: The MIXED binary logging format did not switch to
row-based mode for statements containing the LOAD_FILE()
function. (Bug#39701: http://bugs.mysql.com/39701)

- Replication: When the server SQL mode included IGNORE_SPACE,
statement-based replication of LOAD DATA INFILE ... INTO
tbl_name failed because the statement was read incorrectly
from the binary log; a trailing space was omitted, causing the
statement to fail with a syntax error when run on the slave.
(Bug#22504: http://bugs.mysql.com/22504)
See also Bug#43746: http://bugs.mysql.com/43746.

- An attempt by a user who did not have the SUPER privilege to
kill a system thread could cause a server crash.
(Bug#43748: http://bugs.mysql.com/43748)

- On Windows, incorrectly specified link dependencies in
CMakeLists.txt resulted in link errors for mysql_embedded,
mysqltest_embedded, and mysql_client_test_embedded.
(Bug#43715: http://bugs.mysql.com/43715)

- mysql crashed if a request for the current database name
returned an empty result, such as after the client has
executed a preceding SET sql_select_limit=0 statement.
(Bug#43254: http://bugs.mysql.com/43254)

- If the value of the version_comment system variable was too
long, the mysql client displayed a truncated startup message.
(Bug#43153: http://bugs.mysql.com/43153)

- Queries of the following form returned an empty result: SELECT
... WHERE ... (col=col AND col=col) OR ... (false expression)
(Bug#42957: http://bugs.mysql.com/42957)

- The strings/CHARSET_INFO.txt file was not included in source
distributions. (Bug#42937: http://bugs.mysql.com/42937)

- A dangling pointer in mysys/my_error.c could lead to client
crashes. (Bug#42675: http://bugs.mysql.com/42675)

- Passing an unknown time zone specification to CONVERT_TZ()
resulted in a memory leak.
(Bug#42502: http://bugs.mysql.com/42502)

- With more than two arguments, LEAST(), GREATEST(), and CASE
could unnecessarily return Illegal mix of collations errors.
(Bug#41627: http://bugs.mysql.com/41627)

- The mysql client could misinterpret its input if a line was
longer than an internal buffer.
(Bug#41486: http://bugs.mysql.com/41486)

- In the help command output displayed by mysql, the description
for the \c (clear) command was misleading.
(Bug#41268: http://bugs.mysql.com/41268)

- The load_defaults(), my_search_option_files() and
my_print_default_files() functions in the C client library
were subject to a race condition in multi-threaded operation.
(Bug#40552: http://bugs.mysql.com/40552)

- If --basedir was specified, mysqld_safe did not use it when
attempting to locate my_print_defaults.
(Bug#39326: http://bugs.mysql.com/39326)

- When MySQL was configured with the --with-max-indexes=128
option, mysqld crashed.
(Bug#36751: http://bugs.mysql.com/36751)

- Setting the join_buffer_size variable to its minimum value
produced spurious warnings.
(Bug#36446: http://bugs.mysql.com/36446)

- The use of NAME_CONST() can result in a problem for CREATE
TABLE ... SELECT statements when the source column expressions
refer to local variables. Converting these references to
NAME_CONST() expressions can result in column names that are
different on the master and slave servers, or names that are
too long to be legal column identifiers. A workaround is to
supply aliases for columns that refer to local variables.
Now a warning is issued in such cases that indicate possible
problems. (Bug#35383: http://bugs.mysql.com/35383)

- An attempt to check or repair an ARCHIVE table that had been
subjected to a server crash returned a 144 internal error. The
data appeared to be irrecoverable.
(Bug#32880: http://bugs.mysql.com/32880)

- The Time column for SHOW PROCESSLIST output and the value of
now can have negative values. Previously, the column was
unsigned and negative values were displayed incorrectly as
large positive values. Negative values can occur if a thread
alters the time into the future with SET TIMESTAMP = value or
the thread is executing on a slave and processing events from
a master that has its clock set ahead of the slave.
(Bug#22047: http://bugs.mysql.com/22047)

- Restoring a mysqldump dump file containing FEDERATED tables
because the file contained the data for the table. Now only
the table definition is dumped (because the data is located
elsewhere). (Bug#21360: http://bugs.mysql.com/21360)

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